This is why you need to stop buying Chuck Steaks

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46 replies
  1. larry demonte
    larry demonte says:

    Chuck was always used to just chop meat, it was worthless in the 60s, my mother would make Chuck fillet steaks but you had to know how to cook it to be tender now it’s out of control the price

  2. Mobile McSmarty
    Mobile McSmarty says:

    chuck can be a bit challenging to cook but yes, the flavor is excellent. I've enjoyed chuck in one way or another since a little kid. what a nice recipe to try, thanks! I like the part about buying a "technical" slab. chuck is a less expensive cut already but why not make it even less expensive? now get to cut it your way too 😀

    as a side note, I'm wondering how can the wireless thermometer work inside of a metal container covered with alum foil? physics say that no radio waves can penetrate such a container. curiously, the thermometer was inserted into the meat before smoking uncovered but the desired temperature during that stage was not mentioned, only color was suggested 🤔

  3. Edgunsuk
    Edgunsuk says:

    OK you convinced me , subscribed and i may even order the smoker 🙂 edit actually nope … £ 345 that's over double what you said it was ??? are you responsible for the price increase ????? well that subscription lasted 10 mins…………

  4. Coop Coop
    Coop Coop says:

    In UK I think we would know that sugar as Muscovado or maybe demerara, most likley dark muscovado, much though I like the Dutch word for it there is generally enough profanity in my kitchen already!

  5. Suellyn Jansen
    Suellyn Jansen says:

    Ok so I have a question that I have I wanted to ask for sooooooooo long …… Roel ….. Why do you never add Appelstroop??? I use it in EVERYTHING! It makes the best ham glaze ever!!! 🤤 Roel come on do 1 sauce with the stroop pleeeeeease 🙏

  6. Conny Bjaaland
    Conny Bjaaland says:

    Ya, I thought the same thing, I can use it on or off the cart. Except if you take it off the cart you have no way to pick it up when it’s hot! (No handles) and you can’t buy just the handles. It’s also a big pain in a** to take off and put back on.

  7. blaise kelly
    blaise kelly says:

    In Canada. That smoker is $329 plus $154 for import fee and we are neighbours with the US. But in the Netherlands you get it for $169. Makes no sense. Love your channel by the way.


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