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This is all becoming too real and too commonplace.. Employers are ruining the workforce and more and more employees are …

22 replies
  1. Susan Rolls
    Susan Rolls says:

    Thank you for pointing this out Kevin! Yes, most jobs are low wages and part time. Unless you work in computers, have a specialty, are in a union, or a CEO, or with big pharma- you are struggling.

  2. Lisa Ann
    Lisa Ann says:

    Employers and employees in the 80’s and 90’s used to care and it was fun to go to work! Smaller companies or offices were the best, such as Ace Hardware is a smaller store that pays attention Or when a person owns the company instead of a corporation. We were taught to care in school, respect our elders and say Mr and Mrs when speaking to adults, yes sir and no sir. Those values were taught to children. Then children were given drugs in the 90’s – that is where I saw the shift. And now those children are in their 20’s and 30’s, throwing adult temper tantrums when they don’t get their way. You will go through life miserable until you realize you can only control your actions and reactions, not those around you.

  3. ramjamflimflam
    ramjamflimflam says:

    The private business in this country can’t compete with the government pure and simple. Wages are out of balance because governments create inflation which destroys the purchasing power of workers to afford living in the society the government strives to create. Classic formula for economic collapse. It’s been repeated throughout time. Governments can’t help, only “free” markets will allow a society to flourish.

  4. George
    George says:

    the home depot employees should shut up work and appreciate, otherwise their fate will be similar to that dudette outside in the parking lot.

  5. Jesus is King
    Jesus is King says:

    I called to check about a phone a certain type of phone at Walmart the girl that answered in an electronics I asked her if she could replace the phone that I had she said that they didn't have those phones I said well I know you do because I just bought this one last year I dropped it and cracked the screen she said to me we don't have those brand of phones then I get another lady on the phone and I asked her do you have this type of phone she said we don't have those I said yes you do because I just bought one here probably less than a year ago then she said oh no we don't sell those anymore see the big difference. the other girl when she answered and I asked her the question she also put in her little answer was when I told her I knew they sold that type of phone, she stated I sell phones. That's when I said you sell phones but you don't know what type of phones you sell. One other instance I was going down the aisle and I asked her about a charger, I said do you work in electronics she said yes I sell phones I said okay do you understand that you are in electronics and everything here is associated with phones flat screens chargers etc and she looked at me like I was crazy. so I said it's okay I'll find someone to help me find what I need thank you very much miss I sell phones! So now I understand why they are acting that way thank you sir for this info

  6. jimmie200
    jimmie200 says:

    Home Depot used to be a great store. The employees were so helpful. They would take you to the area you needed to go to and stay with you to help you get what you needed. I loved that store. Not anymore. Few employees and they are not interested in helping you.

  7. willie kang
    willie kang says:

    Welcome to socislism. Hey everyone has sat on their butts and let this happen.oh just wait til they shed off their useful idiots then the crying starts. Remember Biden said you will own nothing and be happy. Socialism is the kkk in disguise. Just when black people started owning property and owning there own buisness they start pushing our economy into the dirt. This is on purpose. Once again blacks are being held down. Open your eyes.

  8. Bonnie Wilson
    Bonnie Wilson says:

    So they walk what it your business were not slaves so now you and illigals can go work cheep labor…and we won't want to support schools and Africans and other countries free education…you pay taxes…higher then their wages…look now the group. Africa black panthers. grange hidden group can find work after all it hard to find. Job for them older panthers are gone but younger generation attacking the economy….

  9. Ray DanielIV
    Ray DanielIV says:

    Home Depot is a terrible place , nobody knows anything about anything, they need to hire people that have been in the trade like plumbing and can actually help people fix problems and up sell them


    I work for Walmart and our back stockroom is packed with overstock. I don’t know why the company doesn’t do something about it. Even if they clearance stuff they are gonna make a profit


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