These Vietnamese Meatballs are Flavour Packed – CHEAP Eats

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Make Bun Cha Hanoi street food, at home. Feed your family for $10! ** Chinese Homestyle COOKBOOK! ** Amazon …

48 replies
  1. diane hall
    diane hall says:

    Great recipe Flo! You have also given me inspiration to explore and dress up the humble meatball. I'm trying to increase my protein, while using clear flavorful broths. I can make the meatballs ahead, freeze and then drop them into the hot soup broth. Thanks so much for this helpful video! ~ Diane

  2. Ricca Day
    Ricca Day says:

    I truly appreciate your awareness of the circumstances with regard to the financial impact of our circumstances on a global scale. It’s refreshing to come here and find Solutions that break up the monotony of the less expensive options, especially ground meats.
    Much Love!
    Many blessings!

  3. Janet Tanaka
    Janet Tanaka says:

    Hi Flo and Dude…these meatballs look so delicious and simple to make. I’ll try making these with ground chicken. Thank you for another amazing recipe. I appreciate the simplicity of the recipe and your instructions. Have you ever thought of teaching a cooking class as a night school course locally? 😊🇨🇦

  4. Scott Oblander
    Scott Oblander says:

    Assuming this serves 4, sodium is pretty high. Just the 4 tablespoons of fish sauce and tablespoon of oyster sauce adds up to about 7000 mg total. This dish looks to be about 2000 mg sodium per serving.

  5. Pam Owen
    Pam Owen says:

    Dude’s expressions with this taste, his eyes were huge Flo, that must have felt good to see! Gonna try this one soon. Made your garlic noodles the other night and let’s just say that it’s good I live alone!😂

  6. Geo De
    Geo De says:

    Yes! I knew there was something about your tastes that I identify with. Raw onions no, grilled absolutely! It turns out so many people are allergic in varing degrees to raw onions. I am partially allergic to raw onions. Green raw onions will almost kill me. Can you imagine, my dad forced me to eat (the white part) raw green onions as a kid. The green part is the worst for me.
    Sorry! Allergies are no joke.
    Love you Flo and Dude!
    Got your book and can't wait to get started. Thank you!!!
    I envy you Dude!✌😘👌

  7. R Pug
    R Pug says:

    Recently discovered your channel and love you and Dude! Question – where we live we can't get lemon grass. Is there a substitute? Thanks!

  8. Juju Apple
    Juju Apple says:

    Awesome recipe for those watching food budgets as the economy gets worse! (who voted for that resident in the whitehouse? I sure didn't!) Would love to see your pickled diakon recipe!

  9. Victor Lee
    Victor Lee says:

    Great idea and look very tasty too , must give it a try , I don’t normally buy mince pork at the store , not very confident in what they mince , so will use a pork chop and mince it , have a great day to you and your family.🙏


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