The Protein to Energy Ratio with Dr. Ted Naiman

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Join Rachel Gregory, host of the MetFlex and Chill podcast as she guides you through your #MetabolicFlexibility #Fitness and #Keto journey. Dr. Ted …

11 replies
  1. The Functional Oncologist
    The Functional Oncologist says:

    Yes, I agree with Jack to some extent. On a personal level, there are many layers to the onion. I have gone from Whole30, to keto, to carnivore, and am now playing around with P:E diet. I find that I have to have a protein smoothie or pudding to hit my protein goals and these tend to be more sweet tasting. It has me jonesin’ around for more sweet tastes, I think. I also find that these protein powders, egg whites, peanut butter powders etc cause a lot of gas and I am not used to that after being so gas free on carnivore. So I am really trying to push up the natural protein but it is so filling that at times I may not be able to eat enough protein to hit my 1 gm/ pound goal. Trying to find some sort of balance but I do believe that high protein, low carb, lowish fat is probably the best way for me to eat. Thank again, Dr. Naiman, for all of your expertise and guidance! Love your book and interviews!

  2. Mary Vanderplas
    Mary Vanderplas says:

    I really enjoyed this. I especially like what Dr. Naiman said about PSMF and how he no longer believes this is a good tool to use for fat loss. I agree that it encourages an unhealthy mindset around food and that a much better and more sustainable approach is a modest and gradual increase in protein percentage which can be comfortably practiced over time until the goal is achieved.

  3. Jack Daniel
    Jack Daniel says:

    Another great webcast. Thank you.
    I have read Dr Naiman’s book. Also tried to incorporate a few more carbs into my diet. Not sure that was working for me. Seems like a few more carbs was triggering an addictive response. I believe his P:E ratio makes sense BUT if you have fought off obesity and insulin resistance can’t it be dangerous by triggering carb addiction?


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