The Perfect Mutton Kosha Recipe

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This Mutton Kosha recipe is a love letter to the ‘low and slow’ cooking method. By keeping the heat gentle and cooking over an …

22 replies
  1. riddikulus
    riddikulus says:

    What you doing aunty ,
    Adding water and water and water
    Took 1.2hour+ too simple lambs or muttons


    Try watching Kun foods , Afzal can guide you cooking food more faster, juicy and succulents

  2. Banglar Rannaghor
    Banglar Rannaghor says:

    Baking soda and lemon juice work wonders, not only tenderizing the meat but also softening the strong mutton scent. The heart of our cooking method is patience and care, simmering the meat slowly and gently, while attentively keeping the water balance in check. The addition of spices is timed perfectly to keep their essence alive. Give it a shot, be it a family meal or a special treat for yourself. We're certain you'll savor this scrumptious dish.


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