The One Thing I NEED To Give Up On The Carnivore Diet

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Here is the one thing that I need to give up on the carnivore diet. This is something I enjoy but giving it up will improve my results …

45 replies
  1. Scott Warren
    Scott Warren says:

    Brew coffee, add heavy cream, butter, Himalayan salt, dash of cinnamon, vanilla extract and stevia, scoop of vanilla caramel carnivore protein powder, immersion blender for a few seconds. Fml good. Never giving up coffee.

    ELECTRON MAN says:

    i ve tried one day and half .. no coffee …. very hard fisically and socially 😮‍💨.. terrible headacche due to detox … i will try again soon when i will feel stronger and get more result on my Carnivore diet ( – 8 to 10 Kg ) my diet is beef all kinds , eggs , ghee , good salt 96 % this is easy and pleasant . day 40 th today .

  3. Jacqueline Horne
    Jacqueline Horne says:

    Oh man. This hit hard. I KNOW that coffee is my downfall but right now, it’s the one thing that’s holding me to ‘strict’ carnivore. I know the day is coming but I also know that now (12 weeks in) is not the time. Twelve years ago, I gave up caffeine. It took me months to recover but truly, I never felt so good. Then, one day, a friend had a cappuccino and I really wanted one. After twelve years off, I was hooked again. It’s one hell of a drug. I wish you well in your quest. With two weeks off, there couldn’t be a better time. One day, I hope it will be you cheering me on in my quest to get rid of all that does not serve me. Until then, I wish you well.

  4. Susan Tomkins
    Susan Tomkins says:

    I went from 5 or 6 cups strong coffee a day to 1 decaffeinated in the morning. I know it's not quite quitting altogether as decaf has some caffeine. I have been addicted my whole life (I'm 64). In the past tried cold turkey but the headache which started at about the 36 hr mark was THE WORST! This time I worked out how much coffee and very very slowly reduced every few days, replacing with decaf. All in all it took about 6 weeks, but it was
    painless! Then I reduced the number of decaf fairly quickly by 1 a day until just the morning one remains. Sounds tedious I know but it worked for me. No real coffee since October and no headache! I wish you well, I definitely feel better for it!

  5. Esther F.G.
    Esther F.G. says:

    I use to add a little pinch of salt to enhance the flavor of my coffee. I started adding a lot of salt and sweeteners to make it disgusting and create a new neurological path, instead of making an association with a tasty drink I make an association with a disgusting drink. Instead of coffee sometimes I drink hot lemon water with salt, tea, bone broth, chicken broth, pickle juice

    wNG iMAGE aND dESIGN says:

    After a major coffee lover (espresso, drip brews) for decades, I was able to go cold turkey after developing Hashimoto's Disease on the vegan diet. I found out coffee (and likely the Splenda I used for more than a decade!) was a noted trigger for some people with Hashimoto's. To my surprise, I suffered no major withdrawals or addiction cravings. After 3-4 weeks, my mental focus improved, my sleep, and my heart rate improved as well. The autoimmune symptoms as well, fell away. After a year without coffee, I improved enough to attempt to have some coffee again, because I do enjoy the flavor of coffee, and no longer have a caffeine addiction. Upon drinking it again, the effects on my body were profound. Heart rate jumped, pulse too. An uncomfortable light-headed feeling and disruption to the calmness of my body. This subsided in subsequent coffee excursions. But I don't drink it regularly. And I can see how one can easily fall back into this routine. In hindsight, I've learned it's not hard for everyone to kick the coffee addiction. And I functioned noticeably better without drinking it daily. And I saved a lot of money too! One advice I will pass along is to NOT use any artificial sweeteners. They all were claimed to be safe, but as recent studies have revealed, Splenda is as bad for your health as Aspertame. Splenda was discovered during development of a new pesticide. One formula turned out to be sickly sweet and they marketed as a sweetener instead of a pesticide. True story. Sucralose (Splenda) is bad for gut bacteria, and still causes insulin spikes leading to insulin resistance in the body and pre-diabetes!

  7. Emma Baxter
    Emma Baxter says:

    If you veer off to Adelaide Dave, drop in for dinner. My son speaks very fluent Japanese and my family would love to meet you to help me see the reason for eliminating my breakfast coffee. (4 years carnivore)

  8. inrpeace45
    inrpeace45 says:

    I crave the comfort of having something warm to drink. I think I’m going to try to substitute with bone broth instead of coffee… we’ll see. Hope you have a wonderful vacation!

  9. M Unwin (TheSunnyMachine)
    M Unwin (TheSunnyMachine) says:

    I quit coffee when I first fell sick and first started keto, a year before carnivore.

    I quit for about 15 months. I was so sick and out of it that it was impossible to tell if it made any impact. I brought coffee back into my life in the form of decaf. I have half caffeine, half decaffeinated on gym days as it does seem to help me get through the gym better, with no impact on my sleep.

    I love the taste of coffee and the very small amount of caffeine doesn't seem to bother me. Coffee with heavy cream also helps me get lower carb dairy into my diet.

    Good luck with your no coffee journey. Maybe try cutting it out slowly moving to decaff slowly mixing them until you are fully decaf and then you can quit way easier!

  10. PMA
    PMA says:

    Considering this one myself. But I feel we a cutting ourselves too much on this I think. We have just overcome one of the biggest and deadliest addictions that is known to man, two if you add in the seed oils. SUGAR. This for most people is cannot be done. But we have done it and what is more will never be going back. So I feel for us all we need to take a bow and enjoy life. Not cutting ourselves up on a small bit of water that is rinsed in a low oxalate plant. I am using the coffee now to up my fat with the bullet proof and egg yoke. I do like the taste but will only take two in the morning. I take a bullet proof water after that. Definitely cut them back and use self control on that. But if that is the only plant we are getting close to I think we are doing well. The S B Gal is thinking of doing same. Look at her. If that is what coffee does then have a coffee. She looks simply fabulous as does Kelly Hogan who enjoys a coffee too. Well if the ill effects of coffee are looking like those pair then have a coffee in my opinion lol

  11. Lisa Reiter
    Lisa Reiter says:

    Hope you enjoy coming home to Oz
    I’m the same with coffee, but I have it on good authority that cutting back gradually is better than cold turkey with coffee. Just so that your cells can readjust slowly. Coffee blocks certain substances and as a result your body tries to compensate by increasing receptors for them. So a sudden drop from a high intake of coffee may result in a sudden increase the substance it blocks. I can’t remember what it’s called. But be cautious. I’ve cut back to half a teaspoon in a smaller mug rather than the 2 teaspoons I used to have. And I only have 1 a day now but used to have up to 6. So far I’m not getting to many withdrawal head aches 😊

  12. Verna Bohnert
    Verna Bohnert says:

    Sorry, I’m not giving up coffee! I did that once before and people were begging me to drink coffee! I do have a question for any carnivore person out there! My hair is coming out! Not in clumps but individual hairs, it’s really starting to worry me. I already use rogaine so I need to know if anyone else has experienced this? I’ve been carnivore for about 5 months. If you can give up coffee, more power to you and good luck 👍, thanks

  13. Robin Beers
    Robin Beers says:

    I wish you well in detoxing from coffee. I had to give it up years ago due to my seizure disorder. I know not everybody gets seizures from drinking a coffee but, if it does that to my seizure prone brain, it probably isn't doing anything good for other brains either.

  14. john dala
    john dala says:

    I'm about 95% carnivore I leave that 5% for trial and error… coffee wasn't hard to give up …. 1st week pick a day you don't drink coffee , 2nd week do 2days, 3rd week do 3days you will eventually give up coffee…

  15. Veryoftenthecase
    Veryoftenthecase says:

    Good luck! I’ll be interested to know how you do it.

    My addiction is daily alcohol for a very long time. The last time I gave it up for a month, I had severe insomnia. So I feel like I’m between a rock and a hard place. Any suggestions would be welcome, and I hope you’re able to give up or cut back or whatever with coffee.

  16. Dean McQuillan
    Dean McQuillan says:

    Good luck, coffee for me is the hardest to quit. I did quit for two months. I’ve only had 1 coffee in the last month. But I think about wanting a coffee more than 3-4 times a day still.
    Quoting coffee is even harder for me on holiday as it was a time filler and I always used to use it for a break or to relax

  17. Barbs Dee
    Barbs Dee says:

    I’m starting carnivore on 1st January, I did really well on keto 2 years ago as I had a goal of my son’s wedding to aim for and lost 28pounds in 2 months but as soon as that was over I started eating crap again and I’m a T2D and Hba1c is way out of control. I only drink 1 large mug of coffee after I’ve walked my dogs so I’m going to keep that treat until I’m confident with carnivore

  18. 𝗖in𝗦𝗽𝗮𝗶𝗻
    𝗖in𝗦𝗽𝗮𝗶𝗻 says:

    Power to you for trying it! And I hope you get better doing it ❤️
    I did it 30 days, it gave me a weak headache on and off for a few days, nothing bad. But there was no difference healthwise, and my social life suffered, so I brought it back in. Just trying to limit it instead.
    Good luck ❤️

  19. Fun1
    Fun1 says:

    Good luck! I am down to 1 caffeinated coffee per day from 2-3. Not planning on dropping it now as on the odd day if I don’t have it, I still function ok. Coffee is pure enjoyment rather than addiction for me now!

  20. Sunflower
    Sunflower says:

    I get a huge migraine if I don't have coffee. I don't like being that dependent on caffeine, plus it's all getting expensive with the heavy cream I put in there. I'm considering quitting it, but I'll have to cut back gradually.

  21. Annette Stephens
    Annette Stephens says:

    Go decaf instead gradually replacing more and more cups with decaf. After a week or two of decaf, try hot water with a pinch of mineral salt in. Gradually phase out the decaf and you’re done. Have paracetamol on hand for the headaches in the first 2 weeks. Good luck

  22. Kevin Johnson
    Kevin Johnson says:

    Man your lucky you are off work, I would cut the coffee in half in the beginning then progress. No since in feeling like total garbage. Im trying to quit also. Just no reason for cold turkey. Last year I quit for 4 days after tapering off then I realized I need to start keto. Bk on caffeine. Now im fat adapted so time to cut caffeine again. You can do it Dave!!!!!!!

  23. Tracy Johnson
    Tracy Johnson says:

    I gave up coffee one year as a New Years resolution and it took 9 months before I started feeling good. Being on the carnivore diet will surely make it much easier. I stepped the caffeine level down in two week intervals, moving from black tea to green tea then finally to white tea. Caffeine affects the central nervous system so it takes a minute for that to get worked out. Best of luck!

  24. Meat Heals
    Meat Heals says:

    Dave, good luck…i my self had to give up coffee 2 months ago. Just becouse i din't want it without my honey. It was spiking my blood sugar way up to 120. i feel much better without coffee or honey. I know it sucks, but i enjoy my life. Now i'm 51 and i feel like 21 without the coffee. Honey, or other unhealthy stuff. I now enjoy my ribeye's, eggs,butter ( grass feed )… life is more beautiful, than it was when i use to put crap in my body. I was younger then, i din't know better. MEAT RELLY HEALS MY BRAIN AND BODY AT MY 50's.💪🧠🫀🫁🧠💪🫀🫁

  25. bruce wayne
    bruce wayne says:

    For many months I gave up coffee for loose leaf tea and felt a lot better. But 83 days with neither of those and 100% carnivore did not make me feel any better. I still had brain fog in the morning. I recently have added back in some vegetables, berries, and a bit of fruit and feel a lot better. 100% carnivore is not for everybody. Consider switching in loose leaf tea for coffee.

  26. Dianna Darling
    Dianna Darling says:

    Do you have a plan for the rebound headache -like electrolytes?
    There is a dose reducing strategy where you skip a day then reduce your dose by half (or more) the next day, etc… but that might be too complicated…
    Tempted to do this as well
    Looking forward to your updates


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