The One Ingredient That Gives Wendy’s Chili Its Distinct Flavor

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Whether you love Wendy’s chili or not, there’s one key ingredient which gives it its unique flavor — and it’s probably not what you …

20 replies
  1. Russ Brewer
    Russ Brewer says:

    I call BS. I worked at Wendy's in the early 90's. The meat in the chili are all the old burger patties which are stashed in a metal pan, then frozen (sometimes for weeks). THEN BOILED!!! A frozen bag of onions and peppers, a can of dark beans, a can of red beans and a generic pouch of foul red powder are then cooked for 4 hrs in the back room. At the end of the night, the chili is in a refridgerator for up to 3 days, and cooked every morning when the prep team arrives.

  2. Markas Dievovaikas
    Markas Dievovaikas says:

    Although I can't comment on Wendy's chili, I always add brown sugar and a splash of cider vinegar (or wine vinegar) to anything having tomato sauce or that is tomato based… pasta sauce, pizza sauce, BBQ sauce, chili con carne, sloppy joes, and soy chorizo. Sugar is not unusual at all.

  3. V'ger
    V'ger says:

    I got chili from Timo Hortons yesterday, used to be chucnky and filling, was watery, more like Wendys, but double the cost, also had a hard glass or plastic piece in my chili.


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