The Minimalist Pantry (waste less, cook more)

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Today let’s talk about how to simplify your pantry so that you waste less food and cook more. Something you need to know about me: I don’t particularly enjoy …

27 replies
  1. Elizabeth Bednarcik
    Elizabeth Bednarcik says:

    We stocked up on whole kernel corn and at Thanksgiving, I needed cream-style for me and didn't have any. Oops. Keeping inventory low is the best idea, and don't buy weird stuff you aren't going to eat! I think it takes a while to realize it's ok to keep it simple!

  2. Carol Wood
    Carol Wood says:

    Always keep inventory , and put it on a list , put that list inside the pantry door. Do the same with freezer. Make a list put it on the side of the frig. Check it the day before and use that is available and take it out to thaw. This has saved us so much time and money.

  3. Ang R
    Ang R says:

    Thank you for all your help. Thank you for sharing the good and the bad. Because you have shared your passion and what has made a great positive change in your life with me I would like to share with you something I found life changing in a positive way. That is a whole food plant based lifestyle (WFPB). I think it will make complete sense to you and I see it as minimalist grocery shopping. It parallels minimalist ideology in my opinion. And with your personal training background I really felt lead to share this with you. Hope it peaks your interest. God bless and thank you again so much. Your sister in Christ in Michigan.

  4. Holly T
    Holly T says:

    Dawn, your videos are always amazing. My family does not eat creamed corn either. However, I have a recipe for a corn casserole that calls for creamed corn that everyone loves AND it is the easiest thing ever to make. I will share it with you on Facebook.

  5. Pat Faulkner
    Pat Faulkner says:

    My once catch-all hall coat closet is now my food storage pantry. My 12 yo grandson and I made and hung shelves that he painted in the closet and I now have a tidy place to organize my emergency food storage. I love it.

  6. Cynthia Bartz
    Cynthia Bartz says:

    We had to completely clear out our main floor to refinish our floors. And my goodness. I want to get rid of everything now. Does it count as rage purging if I am going through all our boxes trying to find things we don't need?

  7. Kristen Young
    Kristen Young says:

    Y'all strained cream corn?! That's against the law here in Texas 😂
    Love your channel! My 11 year old daughter has become a serious minimalist since she started watching your videos with me. We've both learned so much from you, and our house is much more manageable now!
    We're also a homeschool family, so we're home most of the time, and it feels so nice now!

  8. jodi
    jodi says:

    Hey thanks for your video. I have been really stressed out about the inventory of food I have and I didn't realize what was going on until this video. My grown son has O.C.D. and is a prepper. He still lives with us and makes sure that we are storing enough extra food for emergencies. The problem is because of his O.C.D., he feels that we never have enough. So our emergency food that is in closets and under beds and in living room cabinets is spilling now into our pantry. It is stuffed to the brim. I can't tell what is in there anymore. Every time I go in, I get stressed out. I have spent a long time trying to minimalize our home but every free space has become food storage or seed and gardening supply storage. (He gardens, too which is a blessing but can get very messy and overwhelming for me!) I am trying to cut down our inventory but having others in the house with their own opinion makes that very hard. HELP!

  9. Roselique Otten
    Roselique Otten says:

    Hi Dawn, can you please add other payment options to your shop? I'd love to order the workbook! However, in the country I live in, a lot of people don't use credit cards, me included. Can you perhaps add a PayPal option to your store? I'd love to order it b

  10. Angie Lovett
    Angie Lovett says:

    Easy to use the creamed corn, just add it to a potato chowder or add it to your corn bread! Even just adding it to Jiffy corn muffin mix, makes tasty cornbread (I also add 1/2 C of sour cream, delicious!

  11. Ellebee Moore
    Ellebee Moore says:

    I wonder if anyone ever had a mom or a mother in law who had a ton of stuff who came to visit like 6 months later or a year later and was like HOLLY CRAP where did all your stuff go lol

  12. Heidi Remondino
    Heidi Remondino says:

    Great Tips Dawn! Here is a recipe to use up all your Creamed Corn. The kids will love it.

    In a – 13 x 9 Pan – Dump 1 box Jiffy Cornbread Mix & 1 stick Melted butter (mix it up)
    1 Can Creamed Corn & 1 Can (VERY Important ) DRAINED regular can corn
    1 Tub Sour Cream – Mix together – bake @ 350* for 45Min or till golden brown on top.
    It will be a combination of "cornbread souffle "

    It is a staple for us at Thanksgiving, but also pairs really well with Mexican dishes.

  13. Andrea D. RN
    Andrea D. RN says:

    Our youngest is in grad school, so I went through the pantry & deep freezer & gave away things to a relative with teenage sons. The odd items were donated to the local little pantry box by the courthouse. Now our shopping list is streamlined & less stressful.

  14. Shonda m
    Shonda m says:

    I recently converted our pantry to an open pantry. Everything is in the open where I can group like items and see everything we have available. I hate meal planning the traditional way and needed an alternative for my lifestyle. I have to have the visual to be able to quickly put a meal together and not constantly skip over bulk "sale" items in my pantry because I don't have an idea of how I want to use them. Diced tomatoes may not instantly spark the taco casserole idea, but seeing the taco seasoning, dices tomatoes, and tortillas all at once might. I thought an open pantry would be too much visual clutter, but I found several ideas on Pinterest to make it practical, look nice, and not add visual stress to my season of working towards minimalism.

  15. Susan Blake
    Susan Blake says:

    We live in Maine with winters that can cause week-long power outages and/or other issues with getting food, so an "emergency pantry" is already a thing here. We use our summer coolers to store nonperishable "meals" in storage bags (so a meal in one bag might be a box of spaghetti, a jar of meat sauce and a canned veg). The coolers seal well and keep the critters out! We store about two weeks' of meals plus many gallons of drinking water; the coolers and water are stored on a shelf in our basement. In the spring, we start putting those "emergency" items back into our regular pantry rotation, depleting the excess throughout the summer…..and then in late fall/ early winter we start building the emergency pantry again. This has worked really well for us for many years. /Sue


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