The Juicest Oven-Baked Stuffed Chinese Roast Chicken w/ Glutinous Rice 糯米雞 Lor Mai Gai Recipe

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There is nothing more satisfying than to enjoy a perfectly roasted chicken that’s still juicy within. This is another easy recipe (in our opinion) Yes I know you need …

37 replies
  1. sphinxlynn mixedvlogs
    sphinxlynn mixedvlogs says:

    I try this for our lunch today damn was so good but I use deboned chicken wings,,, and instead of chestnut I use dried scallop,,,, I'm running out of glutinous rice so I mix with rice so tasty(just only complicated to deboned chicken whole wings)

  2. ruby
    ruby says:

    Thanks for sharing. I will try your recipe. Two questions though. The rice will thoroughly cook while baking the chicken? Will regular rice do, or only glutinous rice will do?

  3. nicwonders
    nicwonders says:

    Wow looks really tasty. If I want to eat the glutinous rice without the chicken, should I just steam it until it is cooked after frying? Do i need to add additional water if steaming the rice without the chicken? Thanks.

  4. Klipklapklop •
    Klipklapklop • says:

    Stumbled onto this channel when searching for lu rou fan and was thinking he sounds singaporean and true enough , never knew there was such a big cooking channel here keep it up 👍

  5. Life With LY
    Life With LY says:

    Amazing idea! Love how organized you are! Very inspiring! ❤️ it sure looks delicious.!! thank you for sharing your amazing recipe. I hope I can work my way up to be as good as you are😊


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