THE BEST WAY to Roast Pumpkin Seeds | F&W Cooks

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Use your leftover Halloween pumpkin seeds to make the perfect afternoon snack. Rosemary and sweet brown sugar are a great combination to make …

34 replies
  1. summer Chen
    summer Chen says:

    I'm an exporter from Famerland China. we have shine skin pumpkin seeds,snow White pumpkin seeds,sunflower seeds,dried fruit and more. If anyone is interested in our products, you can contact me. WhatsApp +86 185 6183 5950

  2. Linda Glover
    Linda Glover says:

    Wow I never knew there were so many seeds. If you throw away the seeds you toss out most of the food. I'm drying seeds now. I have small yellow pumpkin. I cook pumpkin for my dogs. I didn't boil them ,I'm hoping they can roast without boiling them. Sound so crispy. Oh yumm. Thanks for sharing. 🤗🤗

  3. Ayisha
    Ayisha says:

    I gave a dislike, why make a video and not include some of the ingredients that were used. Not just that you didn’t state what temp to put them on. I’m half way through following your video and can’t even finish.


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