The Best Vegan Lentil Meatball Recipe

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RECIPE BELOW~~~ This video has been compensated by Collective Bias, Inc. and its advertiser. All opinions are mine alone. #PremiumPrep #CollectiveBias …

34 replies
  1. nigella4me
    nigella4me says:

    You vegans are the strangest lot. You don't eat meat, you don't want other people to eat meat because it's "cruel," you don't want animals being killed to eat, but yet you eat "pretend" meat. So if you are REALLY against eating meat and LOVE your plant diet, you shouldn't be pretending to eat meat because then you're "pretending" to eat something from an animal. See how illogical that is? You shouldn't be promoting ANYTHING similar to meat at ALL if you're all into NO MEAT! Might as well make a big cow out of plants and then chop it up to eat. So in reality, you're hypocrites because you're promoting eating "meat" in another form. This is insanity!

  2. Mary G.
    Mary G. says:

    I've watched a bunch of vegan recipes and noticed about 99% of them are women. And then I realized. Women care about animals, maintaining a healthy body, etc. But men, slaughter them a cow and they'll eat it raw if it tasted good enough. It's just depressing, why can't men care more. But whatever, it's the world we live in.

  3. LK 2J
    LK 2J says:

    Great vid..can i swap regular egg for flaxseed egg? (Im not quite sure where to get flaxseed egg in my area). Also your lipstick is poppinšŸ˜—. What brand & shade is it? Could u tell me the kind of laptop u use to edit your videos?. All the best.

  4. Chris Adams
    Chris Adams says:

    Long as you're paying attention to your diet plan as a vegetarian including fruits there is nothing wrong with it in fact it's a healthier way to eat it always has been that's a lot healthier than eating animals who have been stuck in urinating and passing Scott on to every animal around it and living in it how healthy do you think that animal will be

  5. Lauren Beckerle
    Lauren Beckerle says:

    incase anybody is looking for those brilliance containers…check your Costco. $19 for a good sized set. šŸ™‚ I use the large one to freeze bananas, or keep rice/potatoes in the fridge.

  6. Lenora Trammell
    Lenora Trammell says:

    You have So many delicious ideas of vegan cooking on your channel, I love every one!!! I will be preparing this meal for my husband on my day off, this Friday, April 2018 !!! Awesome!!!!

  7. Rose Ladd
    Rose Ladd says:

    Wow! I like it! Going to make it. Aso soon as I get a food processor!Lentils are super! I found a recipe at New Year's called Lucky Lentils and it is delicious. You can find the recipe at The Genius Kitchen along with recipe for Abundance: Honey Oranges!

  8. Well*Thy*One
    Well*Thy*One says:

    That parm recipe is killer!

    Meatballs are great too, but imo it works a little better as a crumble or maybe tiny meatballs so there is more hardened/crispy exterior. At least for how mine turned out which was a little mushy on the inside.

    Mixed up like a goulash w lots of parm could surely fool some meat eaters….fwtw


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