Pantry Power! 3 ingredient instant pot recipe

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Instant Pot Chicken Alfredo Salsa Pasta–the easiest recipe ever. With just three or four ingredients and your pressure cooker this is a perfect meal to make when …

35 replies
  1. Elyssa Berger
    Elyssa Berger says:

    I didn’t have a problem hearing you but I can’t believe you put raw chicken in that recipe for 3min!!! Granted the pasta may cook that fast, no way is chicken cooking in 3 from raw not even browned first! I’ve seen 5min and 5 natural release but never 3 and quick release. Am I missing something? Also I’ve really enjoyed a lot of your videos before but some of us are visual learners which is why we like to watch YouTube to learn. Why did you only pour in the water and just tell us what we would do w the rest. The video would have been so awesome had you showed us what you were doing as you went along and then just finished off the other one if you wanted it to be live and not edited. Just my feelings since I enjoy watching others, I wouldn’t watch another one where you did it this way again. I’m assuming you want honest feedback

  2. stampinmoe
    stampinmoe says:

    With the current state of social distancing and quarantines, I appreciate ideas of things I can make with what is on hand (no grocery store trips). Please share more

  3. Kim Thomson
    Kim Thomson says:

    Enjoyed this video. There are so many variations you can make for this dish. I made Mexican beef and rice last night in my instant pot. It was a recipe I found online and I changed it a bit. I used salsa instead of diced tomatoes and I added peppers to it as well as onions then the black beans and corn that it called for. Then instead of instant rice I used a packet of Seeds of Change Organic Spanish rice. I added the rice in after the other stuff was cooked in the IP. My husband loved it. I also make Ranch mashed Cauliflower and everyone loves it. I only cook it 10 minutes instead of 15 and I only out in 2.5 tablespoons of butter and 2 tablespoons of ranch dressing and it still has lots of flavour.

  4. Dolores Bennett
    Dolores Bennett says:

    Most garbled and non helpful video I've watched in a long time. Next time, please vent your in process cooking before you start gathering together the list of items to use. Shouldn't have to by ear buds to watch your videos.

  5. Bonnie S
    Bonnie S says:

    Thanks for the live stream Karen, great job! You should definitely do more in the future. This recipe looks easy and yummy. Hope you and your family stay healthy in the midst of this pandemic! 💛💚💜

  6. Herman Darr
    Herman Darr says:

    i order stuff at Walmart for pickup..its sold out 2 minutes later….bought some tuna, chicken patties, and various tomato products…$113 for this little order of stuff… their price gouging

  7. Sidney Mathious
    Sidney Mathious says:

    I thank you for sharing this recipe with us all and I have some smoked sausage, ground beef, and plenty of pasta at home and when I get around to going shopping again I will have much more supplies in stock. I have pasta sauce at home, and also the philly cheese as well and can make this dish easily with what I have.

  8. Kim Stanley
    Kim Stanley says:

    Ok folks she gets that there was sound issues dont need everyone to commit on it. I do have a question tho. Was your chicken precooked or did i misunderstand. You did raw chicken for 3 minutes?

  9. Nelly Tea
    Nelly Tea says:

    Just caught the end of the live video then watched it back again. Thanks so much! Gonna try it tonight. Good thing I always have pasta in the cupboard. Hope my kids like it! Thanks again! 😁👍❤️


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