The Best Potato Salad Ever | Genius Recipes

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This unique and delicious potato salad from Monifa Dayo is addictive and the perfect contribution to any gathering with loved ones …

40 replies
  1. Marce Wevar
    Marce Wevar says:

    I really don´t want to be mean, but I think a video isn't necessary for this recipe. It looks delicious and yummy but is very simple and because of that, I can see all the technique problems. I mean, 5 minutes of the video are for getting boiled potatoes (huge pieces and testing if they are done with a huge knife). Lots and lots of salt everywhere. Using a fancy gadget to not touch the ingredients when putting them on a bowl or pot, but mixing everything with bare hands….I don´t know. I would have preferred spending this time reading the recipe with pictures than the video, but… nice recipe. Loved all the products displayed.

  2. LaLaMove
    LaLaMove says:

    She could've used a bigger bowl. Also using your hands to mix a salad is okay but those ingredients that stuck to her hands and just end up being washed into the sink is kind of a waste. I think she lost about 10% of the dressing by just doing so.

  3. Jennifer Gearhart
    Jennifer Gearhart says:

    I’ve never seen someone so uncomfortable making a recipe. Potatoes should be cooked whole not cut before. Use a fork to test as its more accurate and test multiple potato’s. The secret to good potato salad is the flavor from the skins which is so good. Tons of salt here, too much. Where is the crunchy celery that is potato salad love? Bland herbs? Why? Capers instead of pickle? Love the pickle. Pickled shallot in red wine vinegar would be better than apple cider. Add a little salt and a spoonful of sugar to round the flavor. Hard boiled beautiful eggs are so delicious so I would add them. Mayonnaise instead of yoghurt would have huge flavor especially fresh homemade mayonnaise. Or half mayonnaise and half Mexican sour cream would be heaven. Celery seed and fresh cracked pepper. If you want fresh herbs why not chives and chervil or tarragon? Serve is slightly warm and use 2 spatula’s to toss, don’t waste the sauce all over your hands please. The women of the 1950’s had back yard Bbq and potato’s salad going on and my mothers was class A. If I take her recipe it’s all eaten and I’m asked for the recipe. It’s just so good. Thank you for your efforts but I don’t believe I would think this is the best but maybe others do. It’s a nice try and good luck with other videos.

  4. Judith Stadler
    Judith Stadler says:

    That dish is ridiculously over salted. I find it hard to believe that the ingredients could be identified by taste because that amount of salt would dull the taste buds to the dishes nuances.

  5. kaiju k
    kaiju k says:

    WIsh I could reach through my screen right now and steal this bowl of potato salad, that looks incredible.. I'd eat that for dinner alone and call it a day 😋😍


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