The BEST Korean Silken Tofu Soup | Authentic Korean Tofu Soup Recipe

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34 replies
  1. hKPmZ786W4JG7Rgq
    hKPmZ786W4JG7Rgq says:

    My husband is Korean and he often craves Korean food. I don't know how it's supposed to taste like, so I rely pretty heavily on channels such as this. I made him this recipe and he loved it! He said it was the best one I've made! Except…. It was too spicy for me and I can't taste it at all lol.

  2. Andrea Euresti
    Andrea Euresti says:

    Made this for my family for dinner today and it was amazing it was a big hit everybody loved it! We live in Denver Colorado and it’s very cold right now so real good soup recipe’s are what we need right now. Thank you for sharing! May you and your family have a bless and Happy New Year and pls stay safe!

  3. Astral Plex
    Astral Plex says:

    Oh my goddddd!!!!

    You have no idea how much I crave this soup!!!! I loooooove it so much! It is my absolute favorite thing to order when I’m at a Korean restaurant.
    Thank you for showing me how to make it because the closest Korean restaurant to me is an hour away from my house 🙁 I can’t eat there as often as I would like to.

    So now, I just need to find an Asian market in order to stock up on all of these ingredients so that I can make it for myself whenever I crave it!

  4. Jess
    Jess says:

    I had been buying the packets with ready made sauce from the Korean market but I made this a couple days ago and I’m never going back you’re always a life saver when it comes making Korean food

  5. Waterfire Windearth
    Waterfire Windearth says:

    Hello I hope you held is wonderful is mine I thought you b b o the one making the food with chili it is wonderful recipe but please check your spelling because you saying camera and you saying if you like syphilis soup please check your spelling it is a wonderful soup thank you

  6. Joye Robbins
    Joye Robbins says:

    OMG!!!! I made this recipe and it was just like the Korean restaurant I love! The ingredients so simple and once the chopping is done it goes really fast. Thank for the substitution of fish sauce. I always have it on hand and it was perfect!


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