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Welcome back everyone! Today we are sharing another day at home with us on our homestead! #largefamilylove #homesteading …

33 replies
  1. Mary
    Mary says:

    Please talk to your neurologist about MS. It sounds like you're having on going symptoms with this disease. Sometimes it's undetected and overlooked.

  2. LDandSM
    LDandSM says:

    Are you close to any of the toxic spills that are happening quite a bit in the US lately? Just thought of this and thought I should bring it up just in case it helps any

  3. Jamie Clements
    Jamie Clements says:

    The food looked yummy as always. I will need to try that chicken. I did make your instant pot garlic noodles the other night to go with dinner and we ate that stuff up. It was delicious. The kiddos are so cute doing their work on the porch. You and your family are in my prayers!! I do pray that will you know very soon what's going on. Hope y'all have the best weekend and you feel good!😊❤

  4. Ruth Menchaca
    Ruth Menchaca says:

    I’ve been praying for y’all. In my prayers I ask the Lord to spare you from having an episode while you’re alone with the little ones. It’s good that Wilder and Evie know their address and how to dial 911. My love and prayers to you and your family. God will be merciful.❤

  5. Erica Stout
    Erica Stout says:

    Hi Angel girl! God bless you and your family. Honey, you are such a hard worker!! I seen Simba in a video with you, maybe a day or two ago. I wanted to let you know. That I believe that God gave him to you personally! Because, sometimes we need something special to be with us. And cat's and dog are known for that. But if a cat picks you, it's for a reason. Mostly they will let you know if you need to chill and sit down. It's all for our own good. But he really loves you, Simba,is just letting you know that he is the boss of you!!!😂😂😁☺️😊🥰😇You are still in my prayers sweetie. You're on my mind more than anyone lately. I believe that God will bring you through this completely ❤️😇. God's got this 😇😇🥰 love you too 😇🥰

  6. supergleekxo
    supergleekxo says:

    Just a few years ago my sister started getting symptoms similar to yours and it’s crazy how many people have come forward in saying they’re experiencing it too recently. She just had her appointment with a neurologist and they found out she has an AVM which is a malformation on her brain she was actually born with and will be starting targeted radiation treatment to help fix the issue here soon. Continuing to pray for you and should you have any questions feel free to message me anytime.

  7. MamaSingsSoprano
    MamaSingsSoprano says:

    I completely understand. I actually have seizures(been seizure free almost 2 years…fingers crossed) I do have my license but to me it's just not worth it as with mine I dont have any warning signs and I just drop. And yes so afraid to be alone with my kids. It will be ok. I'm still praying for you!

  8. Bernadette Hoohuli
    Bernadette Hoohuli says:

    Good Morning, Tiff! Just checking in. Hope you’re feeling well! Dinner looks amazing. I made a huge pot of beef stew & rice (rice is a staple starch in Hawaii) and finished up some left over corned beef and cabbage from the night before. Forgot to take pics, as usual!🤦🏻‍♀️ Praying for Gods complete healing upon you. Love you all! Huge hugs from Hawaii ☀️🌴🌺🥰

  9. Tina Fisher
    Tina Fisher says:

    I feel led to say something to you…I have watched you for a while I see the pride you take in caring for your family.. Honey you are good at it too…. Just remember on bad days the books you read to them the hugs you give the conversation you have is just as important … Don't push yourself let your husband and older kids help..Trust me when you feel bad they want to…we often feel like we are burdening them….we aren't honey…It's there way of loving you back…..

  10. Stephanie Giese
    Stephanie Giese says:

    I will continue to pray for you. I’m not a medical professional, but I know you had a lot of comments on your last video and I want to make sure that I do everything I can to help. I have these exact conditions (been in the ER many times for what we thought might be a stroke, losing feeling in my legs and arms, losing words, loss of equilibrium, etc.) i know how scared you are. I’m so sorry you are going through this. I had so many tests done for MS, Meniere’s (spelling?), etc. It ended up being severe vestibular migraines. It’s horrible to go through, but i hope you find a similar answer because it’s a lot less scary than other diagnoses. I had never heard of a migraine causing those issues, but they absolutely do. You can get migraines anywhere in your body, not just your head and I know you already suffer from them. If you watch Natalie Bennet’s channel, she also has a migraine disorder and an egg allergy. Mine ended up being dairy and eggs. I know you already have some dairy issues in the family. It’s much more common than people think. It won’t hurt to try an elimination diet, but you have to cut out the trigger foods for at least two weeks, not just a few days. I went to a nutritionist in desperation after no medication worked and the first thing she said was to eliminate gluten and dairy for two weeks. It helped so much. I truly hope you find a similar answer for yourself because, while it is inconvenient, changing your eating is an easy fix compared to lots of other health issues.

  11. Karen Cristobal
    Karen Cristobal says:

    Do we have any large family lovers (ha) who are near her and can help mama out as at least someone who can zip to their house (after meeting each other with approval) to care for the kids if she is ambulanced again?

  12. Brenda Lehman
    Brenda Lehman says:

    My husband is diabetic and has experienced low blood sugars. We did the same with our son, and in addition to knowing the number to call and our address, we would actually practice a call scenario. We would say to him, "911 what is your emergency, and have his give the answers to be sure he felt confident." Kids are so resilient. This prayer warrior is beating her drum for you, Tiffany, and your family that you get answers and experience complete healing.


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