The Beginner's Guide to TAIWANESE SPICY HOT POT

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45 replies
  1. West Coast Spartan
    West Coast Spartan says:

    Trust me people, go out and experience different cultures through their wonderful cuisines just because we can’t travel doesn’t mean your taste buds can’t. I can only imagine the Aromas steaming off of that pot of FKN Deliciousness. Looks like you can indulge in this meal by yourself or with a loved one.

  2. Jude King
    Jude King says:

    Hey Calvin … Listen it's not a bad comment but I had to let's you know… First of all you have a good personality, a lot of Karisma and you have everything to touch the sky. But your videos are to freaking long ! 10-15 minutes max .not everyone what's to watch a 40 minutes vidéo watching you eat Bro !!! You have to focus on your food reviews ! Details, precise, short and sweet make us taste the food…. Watching BEFRS even it's good but with you it's like the missing link

  3. Brian Baxter
    Brian Baxter says:

    Your snacks look really good just not sure about stinky tofu but who knows. And yes it could get better if you had a beer with the snacks. The hot pot looks good. I have never had one cause I would be like you eating it by myself haha. I am hoping once I can get to the Philippines that I can get to Taiwan. I have seen a lot of street food from there and it all looks so interesting and tasty. I think Taiwan and Korean have some awesome looking street foods.

  4. Dee
    Dee says:

    ¡Hola! Those dishes looked so yummy! Thank you for explaining what's in each dish and how they taste. You've mentioned your wife many times in your videos and look forward to the time she will be able to join you for your show.👍

  5. clayhughesmusic
    clayhughesmusic says:

    DUDE! This food reminds me of staying in Taiwan Town in LA like 15 years ago. The Super 8 I stayed in was a little sketchy but the neighborhood and food were so amazing…cannot believe its been that long!

  6. John Lee
    John Lee says:

    Taiwanese hot pot is so FKN Delicious. Love your show Calvin. Taiwanese street food is some of the best in the world. Have you tried the stinky tofu? It's actually pretty good if you can get past the smell. Taiwan is also famous for their boba drinks and beef stew noodles. Thank you so much for being true to your fans!! You are the best Captain Charisma!!

  7. Ash Sky
    Ash Sky says:

    I'm not in Asia right now so I really miss these types of foods.
    I love hot pot a lot, especially the one that I used to eat in Vietnam.

    I had no idea that I am awake this late until I made this comment.
    It's almost morning.


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