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When the Internet is raving about a viral pasta recipe…of course there’s nothing else to do but test it out ourselves! ☞ BE ONE OF …

25 replies
  1. Skele-Ton Hammer
    Skele-Ton Hammer says:

    Most viral recipes are just "something delicious and simple made frustratingly awkward for absolutely no benefit."

    As he said right at the start of the video, just take the same ingredients but mix everything. Then you get none of this "dry rigatoni falling away from each other" nonsense.

    All style, no substance.

  2. xpyr
    xpyr says:

    I don't think you needed to add the olive oil to the pasta as it would be better if the pasta was able to stick together. And any italian grandma would tell you that you're wasting good olive oil doing that.

  3. Vee Toe
    Vee Toe says:

    Looks good, but basically it seems like it's for the initial presentation. Since it falls apart when eating.

    I'd probably just toss the rigatoni with the bechamel and cover with the sauce and cheese in a baking dish. Same result probably.

  4. Max Power
    Max Power says:

    Is blitz a real american word?
    Blitz is the german word for thunder.
    And as adverb for something intensely. Like blitz schnell.
    Translates to super fast.

    Anyways love you guys, greetings from Germany.

    PPS the stupid taxpaying general german like me, stays behind you.
    We won't let happen what they wrote on their bloody flag.

  5. Francois R.
    Francois R. says:

    I did the recipe yesterday and it was delicious! The pesto bechamel is a great idea even for plain pasta dish. Every bite was great, thanks STCG. And it is not necessary to fill up each rig, the entire batch fit perfectly to give the taste and the texture to make it delicious. Just folow the recipe and you will be happy!!!

  6. Michael Ordakowski
    Michael Ordakowski says:

    HMMM…. Thoughts? I'm thinking of piping a bit of a ricotta cheese mix into the pasta prior to placing the ragu mixture on top. This would take up the airgap in the pasta between the bechamel sauce and the ragu mix. I feel the pasta has the potential to dry out and become gummy/chewy. Plus, this may add to the structure allowing for a better slice and overall stand up dish. Finishing with the leftover bechamel around the plate may add a better presentation?!?!?! There would be more of a lasagna feel and taste overall but a great addition to the taste! I would love to hear your thoughts as I am only a Backyard…. Weekend Warrior… Home Cook!

  7. Conor Campbell
    Conor Campbell says:

    I feel like Sam is missing a market here. Making these TikTok recipes and then bringing the “grumpy old chef” would be hilarious. “Yeah it’s good but it took forever and it’s just baked ziti mixed with an arts and crafts project!” 😂

  8. Mary Slack
    Mary Slack says:

    It turned out beautifully can you cover dishes for people that struggle with renal failure. Im almost to dialysis and get tired of eating vegetables and more chicken. I cant eat just anything and salt is an absolute big no pie anything high in sodium or potassium or has phosphate in it

  9. Lagoons002
    Lagoons002 says:

    Not enough meat. You’d have to painstakingly sit there and fill every freaking tube with meat sauce and cheese. I’m guessing individually to get that right viral tick-tock hacks are stupid and no one wants to see those. I’m sorry, but we don’t the people that actually want to make new things and cook for our families in for a friends. We don’t want Tik Tok hacks.


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