Tantan Nabe Recipe (Pork and Vegetable Hot Pot with Dandan Noodles Soup) | Cooking with Dog

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Previously, we made Tantanmen also known as Dandan noodles, and today we are making Tantan Nabe, a hot pot version of tantanmen, in which you can …

46 replies
  1. The Immortal Achiles
    The Immortal Achiles says:

    A good alternative to the Chinese chicken stock powder is to make a traditional Chinese chicken stock, by using a chicken carcass without the breast or any other cuts you might want to eat (cut those pieces off the raw chicken) and add salt, soy sauce, shaoxing wine (white wine should work also since shaoxing wine is a strong alcohol cooking liquor or sake works too) water, 3 whole green onions and 3 slices of ginger pressure cook it for 1 hour with enough water to cover the top of the chicken by 3 inches or boil it for an hour or two. this makes a very tasty, basic Chinese chicken stock recipe that can be eaten by itself or with other things (I don't know the measurements because Chinese usually cook at home with our senses not measurements sorry y'all). Good luck in the kitchen!

  2. Anna Patrisha Jose
    Anna Patrisha Jose says:

    I started watching this channel when I was in high school. I tried learning how to make Omurice for my future boyfriend. Now, I've graduated college and am working already. And yes, I have a boyfriend now and I regularly cook for the both of us. This channel is a GIFT. ♥♥♥


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