Taco Bell's NEW Loaded Taco Fries Burrito Review!

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Recently, Taco Bell released their new Loaded Taco Fries Burrito! This item features Nacho Fries, Seasoned Beef, Nacho Cheese Sauce, Spicy Ranch Sauce, …

22 replies
  1. spaaggetii Man
    spaaggetii Man says:

    I always heard that if you want to support a homeless person squatting in a glass house, just throw some bird seed in. Bread is kinda OK, but due to how processed it is, does not contain the natural unprocessed raw ingredients that homeless people need to thrive in a glasshouse. Also, remember to empty and clean the water container. Homeless squatters sometimes poo in their water container.

  2. lothre
    lothre says:

    Which unit of measurement conversion is the preferred / most accurate method; 'The burrito to Review Brah's head' or 'The burrito to lapel' method. We need uniformity. Please advise.


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