SWEET POTATO SQUARES, vegan, vegetarian, dessert, cake, recipe

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SWEET POTATO SQUARES, vegan, vegetarian, dessert, cake, FOOD AND RECIPES: …

22 replies
  1. Ilze Grina
    Ilze Grina says:

    Only worked with the second time, because I put baking powder instead of baking soda and it was generally thicker than yours so I added more coconut milk. If the mixture is too thick in my experience it needs more sweet potatoes instead of liquid, since it will mess with the proportions. I put 3 teaspoons of baking soda because my cups I think are bigger than yours and I also put a pinch of nutmeg. Anyway, thank you for the recipe.

  2. Jen Hobson.
    Jen Hobson. says:

    That looks sooo Yummy Emi .!
    Sadly i have to be Wheat and Gluten free nowadays..it can be a nightmare at times lol. Thank you for sharing lovely Lady 😊 x

  3. Hectanooga1
    Hectanooga1 says:

    2 cups flour
    1 cup lightly packed brown sugar
    2 teaspoons baking soda
    1 1/2 teaspoons cinnamon

    1 cup cooked, mashed, sweet potato
    3/4 cup milk (soy, dairy, or almond milk)
    4 Tablespoons cooking oil
    1 Tablespoon lemon juice or vinegar

    Mix to form a smooth batter.
    Pour into a greased pan, (I used 9 “)
    Bake at 375 Fahrenheit for approx. 30 minutes

    Frost with vegan frosting:
    Icing sugar, (approx. 2 cups)
    Vegan margarine, (approx. 4 Tablespoons)
    Enough water to form a frosting.
    Frost the cake top, sprinkle with chopped walnuts.
    Refrigerate and cut into squares.


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