Susanna Hall, Mom of Eight Loses 72 Pounds and Regains Health and Vitality!

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26 replies
  1. Stephenie Annarumma
    Stephenie Annarumma says:

    AJ thank you so much for this! Susanna what a great presentation! So inspirational and yes maybe coaching can be your second career once the last kid graduates! Thank you so much for sharing! ❤❤

  2. Jenn S
    Jenn S says:

    Susanna, you are amazing!!! Your story is my story (except I haven't yet lost all my weight!!!). I am a homeschooling mama of 8 (ages 27-14 ~ 5 boys, 3 girls), I had a pilon fracture in 2018 and spent six months on the couch (non-weight bearing) which caused me to gain so much weight and I am TRYING to get my act together so I can be a success story like you!!! Thank you for this interview and your inspiration!!!

  3. Stamp with Suzie Jewell
    Stamp with Suzie Jewell says:

    I wanted to catch this live Susannah but got to watch the replay today. I took notes and paused a million times to get those meals in my mind and write down everything. This is so awesome for you to share your story. I’m inspired and believe more I can do this because of your inspiration. Thank you so much ❤

  4. Rosemary Reinhard
    Rosemary Reinhard says:

    Susanna's story is such an inspiration as is yours Chef AJ. Thank you for all that you do Chef AJ. Being on a small, fixed income, I really appreciate all of the free content you provide 😊💕👏💐💗

  5. Elinor Schiele
    Elinor Schiele says:

    Your personality, courage and success is contagious! I've been on the wall about applying myself to this way of life and I have 50 pounds to lose at 5'10". I'm going to start today!! Bless you and Chef AJ

  6. bella rosa
    bella rosa says:

    Susanna, what an amazing journey and great slideshow! I’ve been struggling with my weight and your video is so inspiring. Everything looks delicious and simple to prepare. Do you have a blog or YouTube channel? Chef AJ, thank you so much for always introducing us to amazing people!

  7. Joe Serrano
    Joe Serrano says:

    Wow,Susanna's quite the IRIE Lady! Mother of 8, and so into eating good and healthy, missed the livestream Chef AJ, but catching the replay and enjoying hearing and seeing Susanna, oh and an AWESOME Moderator of your IRIE Channel! 😊👍

  8. Vikki Bendle
    Vikki Bendle says:

    Lovely to see Susanna on your show again Chef AJ. I saw a recent pic of her with Esther at your getaway…. What a lovely gentle lady she is…a true inspiration…..I would sign up for her support if she did it…maybe I could be a Guinea pig to she if she likes coaching!

  9. Keeping it Simple
    Keeping it Simple says:

    I love this interview—I remember Susanna’s past interview! Our family of four has been eating WFPB for 14 years, and I’ve just started sharing videos on my YouTube channel about how we keep things sustainable for us. For me, simplicity is really key. Veggies and potatoes cooked in my instapot are daily staples.


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