Super Quick Video Tips: How to Leak-Proof Your Springform Pan

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A water bath and an extra pan is all you need to protect your precious baked good. Watch more Super Quick Video Tips at

43 replies
  1. Carl Z
    Carl Z says:

    Nice tip, but since no commercial bakery uses springform pans, why not just put up a video of what they do? Here is a link to Gretchen (Culinary Institute of America trained professional baker):

    I also incorporate a tip I learned from Nick Malgieri. After baking (for one hour), remove the cake from the oven and run a paring knife around the edge. As the cake (custard, really) cools and shrinks, it releases from the sides without cracking.

  2. Raymond Davis
    Raymond Davis says:

    OKAY now this might just be because of my inexperience, I only have 40 years working in Culinary as a baker, sous chef,rounds chef ect., but screw the buying of an 8' cake pan WHERE THE HELL DID YOU GET A SPRINGFORM PAN WITH RIVETED HANDLES ???!!!I have never in my life seen such a thing

  3. Sally Smith
    Sally Smith says:

    Why didn't I think of that?? Thanks a million. I am just getting ready to make a cheesecake and looked up how to wrap it with foil and found this! Much more clever! The foil thing never worked for me, that's why I was looking it up, because I thought I was doing something wrong all the time. Now I know it wasn't me!

  4. Cygnus X1
    Cygnus X1 says:

    An easier, more logical solution, that should be staring you in the face… do not "tightly crimp" the foil around the pan's edge, as the woman states as the "recommended" method of sealing the pan with foil. I never do that – I leave it loose at the top (after folding it down). Why would you "tightly crimp" the foil – the steam can't escape & will condense. (DUH!) Leaving it loose provides a means for the steam to escape (the same principle behind the second pan) but the water will still be touching the sides of the pan, which is what you want & need.

    While this second pan method may work, it's superfluous & I would think defeats the main purpose of the water bath: to insulate the baking cheesecake from the direct heat of the oven to ensure slower, more even baking. If the water bath was about simply adding moisture to the oven while baking, then all you'd need is a pan of water in the oven with the cheesecake (instead of placing the pan IN the water). The water touching the sides of the pan is the necessary element.

    Then again – the air gap between the two pans creates an insulating layer so it could be with this method, a water bath is the superfluous element.

  5. Erica White
    Erica White says:

    i baked my first cheesecake 2 days ago, before i watched this video. it took me FOREVER with that darn foil, thinking there was some magical trick to it. Now i know….thanks!

  6. eriep123
    eriep123 says:

    Great tip! I'm trying to avoid using disposables in my cooking, so a larger pan is a great solution. Does it need to be metal? Would a silicone baking pan work?

  7. James T
    James T says:

    Doesn't this defeat the purpose of using a water bath?  With this method you now have a layer of air around the walls of the pan which would allow the sides of the cake to exceed 212F.  

  8. Blaise Liu
    Blaise Liu says:

    Good tip. But, where do we get that 10 inch pan? Is it just a regular 10inch baking pan, with 2 inch height?

    And what is the name of the square shaped water bath pan?

  9. Roger Smith
    Roger Smith says:

    Dammit the only 10 inch pans I have are a) also leaky springforms, or b) have a hole in the middle. I want to know where people buy the super wide tinfoil?? The largest I can find it a foot and it only comes up 3/4-1 inch instead of all the way up the sides.


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