Stressed & in the Kitchen: Baking Soda Bread | Devin But Better

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Instant Pot Soda Bread Recipe 🌡️ : 3 1/2 cups all purpose flour 2 tablespoons of sugar 1 teaspoon salt 1 teaspoon baking soda 1/2 teaspoon baking powder 1 …

45 replies
  1. Katie Lanier
    Katie Lanier says:

    Stress baking is my go to! It’s the best because working with hands and less screen time and excitement over being able to make a physical thing that you can consume! It’s the best.

  2. catbeara
    catbeara says:

    I'm Irish-Irish and I tried making Soda Bread a month ago for the first time… Let's just say yours turned out a lot better than mine. 😅😭 Oh, also, you should totally try brown soda bread! It's delicious. 😊

  3. telle momma
    telle momma says:

    One more thing..layering..we wore turtle necks then a polo with collar up with an Oxford on top and a sweater tied over shoulders and all that tucked in! Awful! (Oxford is a button down!)

  4. telle momma
    telle momma says:

    Two thinsgs…My mother always stress baked….and my gift for all the years my kids were young on birthday and for mothers day was my husband would take them and GTFO for the day! I was alone! Aahhhh….!Lol!

  5. Sinead O Riordan
    Sinead O Riordan says:

    Gurl try Guinness soda bread the next time, principle is very similar but add half the butter milk other half Mother's milk (Guinness). Also as an Irish person who used to work in hospitality in a very touristic part of Dublin it is extremely refreshing to her an Irish American actually know about a part of Irish herstory. Yassss kween

  6. Genevieve
    Genevieve says:

    Second the comments saying sifting doesn’t matter, maybe for a very delicate cake it would make a difference but not with bread. However, weighing flour is magic. Much more accurate and way faster. Would love to see you bake more! You have amazing energy in the kitchen!!

  7. Louella Worsham
    Louella Worsham says:

    Ok but I'm so happy to know there's an instapot recipe for soda bread bc I'm a broke college student who still wants to celebrate her Irish heritage on St. Patty's day in her dorm room, vibing to celtic music all day.

  8. Roxie Monkman
    Roxie Monkman says:

    I'm a Native American woman from Canada, I make this in my home all the time. We call it Bannock (ban – nock), this dough can also be used for a delicacy dish, Indian Taco (the dough is fried! With taco toppings)

  9. PepsiGirl
    PepsiGirl says:

    Please please pleeeeaaase keep calling them pat-nics it was so freaking adorable!!!

    Also everyone in the comments is correct all Devin cooking segments should be call devin but butter.

  10. Margareth284
    Margareth284 says:

    The traditional method is what is made in Ireland. No need to sieve the flour for soda bread, only thing I noticed was you used a whisk to mix it but tradionally you use our hands. Theres also no need for butter. Darina Allen has a good video explaining it.

  11. Angharad Harris
    Angharad Harris says:

    If you add orange zest and raisins to the traditional soda bread recipe it's honestly heaven. Plus the smell in the kitchen is everything!!! Also a good combo is cheddar and rosemary if yall are interested 🙂


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