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2 c. White flour 1/2 c Salt 4 Tbls Cream of Tartar 2 Tbls Vanilla 2 c. Water 4 tsp Food coloring 2 Tbls Vegetable oil Mix flour, salt and cream of tartar in a medium …

24 replies
  1. Jessica Meehan
    Jessica Meehan says:

    I just tried this and didn't have cream of tartar or a substitute for it so I just followed the recipe exactly and made it without it and it turned out great! I just wanted to write and say this in case anyone else is wondering!! Great video Amy and if I was making it for someone else, I would follow it to a T but I am just making it for my kiddos! My favorite part was that I didn't have a messy pan to clean up afterwards!!

  2. cistb
    cistb says:

    So funny I went to make clay for taylers class and I thought I should watch a you tube video while I do it. I opened up my feed and there u were right on top lol I changed my recipe and made this one. I liked it!

  3. Cristina Lara
    Cristina Lara says:

    Can anything else be substitue for the cream of tartar? I dont have any and dont reallg want to spend the money or run to the store just for that. But i would really like to make this. We have a last minute play date tomorrow!


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