Stockpile & Pantry Update and New Location | Why Did I Move It???| Master Shopping List

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I moved my pantry and stockpile to another location. Find out why I moved it where I moved it and is it working. Also you can now …

31 replies
  1. Linda Foyle
    Linda Foyle says:

    I love your homemade pantry, that’s something I would do❤️. I don’t have a dining room table and changed that area for food storage. Love your curtain. I eat in my living room in a little spot. I live along in a small one bedroom apartment, yes every grateful for a roof and warm bed.❤️thank you Lynn…stay well to you and your family 💕

  2. Penny Nickels
    Penny Nickels says:

    It's great! Love the master list. I did mine and added the number of each item i had. I can tell at a glance when it's time to get more (credit the tightwad gazette). I'm an oatmeal fanatic and just posted a list of ideas on Kate's recent vid (she has 50 lbs!, lol). And search for oat recipes. Thanks for passing the extras on. Lots of hungry folks out there 😊💛🌻

  3. Monica Pixley
    Monica Pixley says:

    Great job… so happy for you and your family..
    I just did a similar thing. I’ve always been a less is more person as far as clutter is concerned. But….we are in a small apt in Los Angeles. I realized I needed to add to our pantry. So I put a small shelf for extra pantry in second bedroom and an extra shelf in my dining area.. So that’s our extra pantry.
    We are greatful. We may look a little more like “Sanford and Son” now, but I’m thankful we have extra. 😃😊😂

  4. susie gray
    susie gray says:

    Your pantry is great. I also live in a small place [12×40] mobile in Florida and had to make a pantry that is a lot like yours, but its an old wooden bookshelf that was given to me. My curtain on the front is made from an old chicken feed cloth sack. I just cleaned mine out and if I don't eat it I don't stash it. it is full and I have one drawer in a build in dresser that has over flow of canned foods, guess what I had the most of when I reorganized, yep you got it green beans, 22 cans. I am a single person but have enough for over a year possible two. Ready for hurricane season also, and using up the freezer food right now. Never have a full freezer in hurricane season……

  5. allison Speer
    allison Speer says:

    Oh the curtain is so cute. I agree if you are not going to eat certain things give them to others. I love to use baskets also to hold items. If this pantry works for you that's all that matters. Thanks for sharing it with us.

  6. Deborah Jones
    Deborah Jones says:

    Oh, and you sound much better today! I was concerned about you getting sick when I heard you in the other video, all that pollen that was in the air…
    I had forgotten to mention warm salt water gargling is very helpful for that too. Glad you're sounding better..hope you feel better too!

  7. Deborah Jones
    Deborah Jones says:

    What a great job you did!! Yes, I love the curtain too!! Everyone loves that curtain!! I like the foldable metal shelf too. I've never seen a shelf like that. Don't give the critics any mind…We all do what what moves us…and you paying it forward with the things you don't need or want or have excessive amounts of…is the exact thing that all of us should be doing & practicing, it says so in "The Good Book" …blessings to you & the family

  8. Dora Wedlock
    Dora Wedlock says:

    We toss selling and staying in our house because of age. You just reminded me of another plus. All the basement storage. I have no problems with stairs yet but do think about where to store things on first floor if necessary. I write my shopping list in 2 different colored pens. One is needs,such as bread, milk ect. one is wants such as extra sale items, snacks, ect. I usually shop at Aldi so easy to go up and down the same aisle if necessary.

  9. Pat Schneider
    Pat Schneider says:

    Really cute curtain! Great stockpile. I agree with sharing food. I’m doing a food share as a ‘decorative food basket’ as a drawing at church for a Bible Study group. Fun!

    Your food share with your group brings abundance to others. Great show!

    Pat in Colorado

  10. Marie Damon
    Marie Damon says:

    Hi lynn i like the aldi rack.i been useing my ice cream tubs.for all my sauces and my large axnimal food cardboard boxes .can fit a lot in and only slim so could get alot on the shelves.the curtain real nice .you got a nice stock purfect for the shelves x

  11. salty assassins
    salty assassins says:

    Is it possible to ask for prayer for mom? She was diagnosed with lung cancer yesterday. I worry that she won't be with brother and I long. I feel she's got less than a year to live. I pray I'm wrong.

  12. Sherry Phillips
    Sherry Phillips says:

    Lynn, your pantry is lovely….I especially love your curtain. I'm with you when it comes to where I store my food. Right now, I do have some in my bedroom and I am not liking it at all but, it's there for now until I can come up with another solution. I'm very thankful to have it considering the high prices and shortages now.. I'm a very practical person with a touch of OCD, I don't like clutter but sometimes it can't be helped. Great video♥♥♥

  13. JC
    JC says:

    First off..😒..nobody puts Lynn in a corner..😉..keep doing you.. helping others and having a full pantry! You answer to yourself and God only. Now that that's off my
    I understand playing Tetris with stuff and's tiring since I've moved but I will keep doing it until..however long it takes.


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