Stir Fried Tofu Noodles (recipe on blog and YT channel)

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23 replies
  1. Kiyoko Shimizu
    Kiyoko Shimizu says:

    Hey a non-vegan here how can you loose weight without eating so much vegetables? Like I like them but I don't like all of them and it is really hard for me to loose weight ever since I was a child bcus I eat too much bcus I'm always hungry and I can't help it I want to die but sometimes when I look at ppl like you I realize that life is worth more than only being sad and all I can't go on a diet bcus I'm 11 ( my parents said that) and I don't want to die from being too fat… I want to change but I don't know how when I cant go a day without eating too much… Help plz tell me what to do my " Friend " Said in grade 5 or 6 ( I'm in grade 7 now) that I looked pregnant… That hurts my feelings when ppl say I look to fat or that I need to loose weight I don't know how to I just can't help… Help me change plz

  2. Shane Nava
    Shane Nava says:

    I have a love hate relationship with tofu. Particularly since tofu recipes are not that popular here and it was always marketed as a meat substitute. So when I tried cooking it when I was 15, I was expecting a meaty texture and was taken aback. Currently tho I tried a “fish tofu” my aunt bought and liked it. This tofu in noodle form is actually quite intriguing. Looks so yummy 😍❤️


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