Spring TO Summer Container 🌹🌹🌹 || Creating a Perennial Plus Annuals Planter || Zone 8 Spring Garden

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I was excited to start working on this spring to summer container for the front garden area. Creating a perennial plus annual …

21 replies
  1. Apps Caliopi
    Apps Caliopi says:

    Recomand sà nu tunzi plantele musafiri pt musculițe, ele vin natural in fiecare an precumpàsàrile càlàtoare. Am experimentat anii trecuți, au apàrut in primàvara devreme apoi au plecat cu bebeluşii cu tot in stoluri inceput devarà. Spiritul plantei spune cà nu le deranjeazà, au adaptarea lor proprie.
    RECOMAND bài cu turmelic o datà pe lunà pt toate plantele,beneficiul este cà nu mai revin in August septembrie pentru cuibarire in pàmànt nici pentru aceste zburàtoare timpurii dar nici altele, doar albinele si fluturii se bucurà de❤

  2. Rosemary Purnell
    Rosemary Purnell says:

    As always, I'm in awe of how many plants you can get into one container. I'm usually thinking, "naw, no way she's going to get all those in," but you do and they turn out beautifully. I like the idea of incorporating planters in with your perennials to add depth to the garden. Aphids, I hate those pesky things. I get them every year on my milkweed plants and blast them off with the water hose and/or spray with Neem Oil.

  3. Janice Tanner
    Janice Tanner says:

    My brother said he had starlings at his bird feeder in Virginia and the next day I had starlings at mine in Maryland.😏
    Sort of like your aphid story. I have aphids inside on my asparagus fern but only on the new growth. I tried washing them away with water and using a similarl product, but for now, until I can take it outside and really clean it, I'm just cutting off the new growth.
    I thought all aphids were green, but I did find some brown ones on the lemon coral sedum I'm trying to overwinter.
    How much does the maiden hair fern spread? I think I'd like to get some of that.


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