Sowas leckeres habe ich noch nie gegessen! Ein einfaches und günstiges Rezept!

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Sowas leckeres habe ich noch nie gegessen! Süchtig machendes, einfaches und erschwingliches Rezept für alle! Absolut …

21 replies
  1. wahttehfuk
    wahttehfuk says:

    I genuinely don't know if these comments are troll posts or what. This recipe is flavorless as hell, and requires a LOT of other spices to get anything out of it. The texture, at least, is good, and there's no problems getting the meat blend to stick in the tortilla.

    I wound up adding cumin, onion powder, red pepper flakes, oregano, jalapenos, and chili powder to the mix and it BLEW IT UP. Guests couldn't get enough of them, and when we popped on cheese and sour cream we were dying to make another few lbs of it.


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