SLOW COOKER BARBACOA | perfect for tacos, burritos, bowls, and salads!

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Here’s how to make beef barbacoa (barbacoa de res) that’s juicy, meltingly tender, and seasoned with flavorful chilies and spices. The key to this Mexican staple …

45 replies
  1. Downshiftology
    Downshiftology says:

    Who needs a little warming up with this cold weather? This is one of my favorite slow cooker recipes and packed with delicious spices that will certainly warm you up! Check out the blog for the printable recipes for the barbacoa, tacos, and burrito bowl! xo – Lisa

  2. ayen aduana
    ayen aduana says:

    I would love to try this. My husband has been dying for me to try slow cooker meals and I think I found the perfect idea thanks to you. However, he also does not like onions (it’s a texture thing) but is okay with onion powder (for flavor). Would that be okay to substitute? How much should I use of it if ever?

  3. Monica La Fleur
    Monica La Fleur says:

    I was pleasantly surprised that you had a slow cooker recipe. Then I was shocked that it was for barbacoa. It’s one of those dishes I never thought to try at home. But you’ve shown me that it can be done. Thank you. I am definitely using this recipe.

  4. E Johnson
    E Johnson says:

    Or just don’t be healthy at all!!! Throw it in some quesadillas or grilled cheese sandwich (use 4 cheeses while you’re at it!) and serve it with avocado and your chipotle cream on the side to dip it in!!!

  5. Donna
    Donna says:

    Could you please make a video about your auto immune disorders that you suffered with before turning to Whole Foods? So many different things being said about how meat is so bad for us now. Grass fed meat is expensive and I live with a big meat eater, who’s not on board with eating only veggies. Thanks and I love your channel and recipes. Keep them coming! ❤️

  6. Monica Salinas
    Monica Salinas says:

    Lisa, this recipe is wonderful!!! I made it today for dinner and my husband was raving about it. We are Mexican and both our mothers cook authentic Mexican food all the time. This dish is awesome and not much further than the traditional Mexican barbacoa. So delicious, thank you!!!

  7. Kat The Scribe
    Kat The Scribe says:

    Girl, you must be psychic. Beef for the slow cooker is on the list for the next grocery run! Now so are all of the other ingredients. I love using chipotle peppers & using the slow cooker, so this recipe is just what the doctor ordered. Super for a keto/paleo diet, too. My meal suggestion is – a fork!! 🙂

    One question – does it freeze well? Any tips on how to do it properly? I'm thinking of making a big batch like this but it's just me here. Thanks Lisa!

  8. Marina Wilson
    Marina Wilson says:

    Hi Lisa, this looks amazing. I don't have a slow cooker, would you recommend using a a Dutch oven / cast iron pot and cook on slow on the stove, or put on low temperature in the oven?


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