Simple Recipe "White Turkey Chili" Healthy Meals Made Easy for Dieting

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Today we are cooking white turkey chili. This is a super simple recipe that anyone can make. This is a go to meal if you are looking for amazing flavor when you …

25 replies
  1. DreamRider
    DreamRider says:

    Ditch the Oyster crackers? Whoa.. no way, lol.. this type of video is when they need to have a scratch and sniff phone display. Ms. Mary, I bet that recipe is amazing. Thanks Mountain.

  2. PARCE93
    PARCE93 says:

    Hey john, have you thought about making apparel with your brand? Could be a way for people to not only support your work, but also proudly represent you and all the great tips you give us!

    Edit: I did see a link to shirts on your website, but it looks like it’s not working?

  3. Scary Terry bitch
    Scary Terry bitch says:

    reasons a bodybuilder should do cardio year-round: from 6 time Olympia Champion! Dorian Yates
    Cardiovascular Fitness (Heart and Lung health)

    Everyone (Especially Dorian Yates) knows that cardiovascular activity improves fitness levels across the board. Having a strong heart and healthy lungs is not an option as it’s vital for any type of activity which requires physical exertion.

    In fact, when you strengthen the heart through cardio, this allows for better flow to the lungs and body since your capillaries (Blood vessels) expand; which improves oxygen delivery to the body while eliminating waste. (1) Now, the lungs bring oxygen into the body while getting rid of the Carbon Dioxide from the energy it supplies (We hope you’re keeping up) so it’s important to know that the more intense the cardio, the more oxygen is needed by the body. This is why the heart and lungs must be healthy and efficient in order to perform at optimal levels.
    So basically, the better your lung capacity from practicing regular cardiovascular exercise means you’ll be able to more easily handle vigorous activity.
    Improved Metabolism
    Dorian Yates is a big believer (And he’s correct) in having a healthy metabolism to process the high amounts of protein a bodybuilder consumes. It just makes the body so much more efficient at doing well… everything. Everyone has their own preference for cardiovascular activity but Yates favorite is power walking. He loved power walking for 30 minutes, four times per week to keep his cardio up to high levels. Now, he found treadmills and stationary bikes to be incredibly boring which is why power walking was so great since it could be done out in the great outdoors. Now, when it came to contest prep time Dorian Yates would increase his 30 minutes of cardio to two sessions per day, six times per week. He’d do his usual morning walking and then end his day with 30 minutes on the stationary bike.For health and fitness reasons, Yates recommends that everyone do a minimum of three, and preferably four, 30-minute cardio sessions per week. Do your cardio in the morning if you can for fat burning efficiency and you’ll no doubt see the benefits.

    Cardio is a must for bodybuilders to keep the fat off and to have the extra energy and power needed to get through the intense workouts.

  4. Garie Joyce
    Garie Joyce says:

    John i make that all the time delicious with the hot sauce . Sometimes i take a costco roast chicken, strip it off the bones, and make a chili with it. I have a question im lookink to get a medium mag bar , which one would you recommend if you only could get one , the supinate or the pronate ?

  5. parasxos element
    parasxos element says:

    Hi mr meadows!i have a question..which one of your programms do you suggest during a maintance-slight deficit diet?im natural and i was thinking of trying your gamma bomb but im afraid of too much volume maybe..?

  6. ultrafloss492
    ultrafloss492 says:

    Nicee, lovely dish!! You could add the hot sauce while cooking the turkey to decrease the release of moisture from the meat. The sugars create a film like barrier which captures the moisture just like blood flow restriction bands 😂

  7. Skyze
    Skyze says:

    A while back I read a comment that said they thought you sound drunk when you say, "awrite hi everybody!" and now I can never go back to imagining it as normal

  8. Skyze
    Skyze says:

    Hey John I been doing the same thing as my lunch every day for the last 2 weeks to help maintain a deficit, but i've been using 90+% ground beef instead, chili black beans and pinto beans. Plus some diced tomato and a table spoon of low fat sour cream. Sometimes i'll add a can of green chilis too. Does all of that seem legit?!


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