Shirataki Noodles are INSANE for Weight Loss.

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Shirataki noodles with a gochujang sauce is an insane low-calorie meal. I absolutely love this dish. I really hope you check this …

46 replies
  1. Blessings Banks
    Blessings Banks says:

    I have attempted to make these so many times because I love noodles but not the carbs. The flavors are good but I don’t like how much chewing they require, the texture is not like a noodle. What do I do? Thank you!😊

  2. Kim Huliganga
    Kim Huliganga says:

    This was the perfect dish for my gym partner and I! We thought about adding some crushed peanuts, but decided against it, and instead added herbs and lime juice. Thanks for the recipe.

    I've been following you a for a while now. And while my workout journey has taken me to a level of fitness where I don't have to worry about how I eat as much, it's still freeing knowing I can still eat well while treating my body well! Thank you so much. Much love from Toronto, Canada.

  3. 8654 Zulu Foxtrot
    8654 Zulu Foxtrot says:

    I started using Vita Ramen and each "brick" of noods are 106g and 400 cal. They taste really good and no weird liquid to drain or try to deal with. So yeah, a bit more calories but they are actually good for you and taste good.

  4. B. Maliboo
    B. Maliboo says:

    I would make this recipe daily, if I could get past the smell of the liquid in the noodles. The 1st (and last) time I ever tried them, I opened the noodles & on contact almost threw up. I ran to the sink & put them down the disposal. It's a no for me. Will look for an alternative for the noodles. It looks phenomenal & the ingredients are all my faves… with the exception of chicken. I've been a vegetarian my whole life. But that's an easy fix.

  5. PSC
    PSC says:

    Shirataki noodles are disgusting. I've tried all the recommended steps for preparing them and I just can't.. the texture makes me gag. 🙁 I recall one time I was so excited to try the dish I was making with them, first bite.. immediate reaction, had to spit it out. Lol, never again!

  6. Proxie Ergo
    Proxie Ergo says:

    I know this is an older movie, but that's not a chicken breast, that's the chicken "nugget" or inner fillet. The inner fillet is lower in protein, but also lower in vitamins and minerals compared to the breast.


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