Shelley Watts Wants You To Eat Plants. All the Time.

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25 replies
  1. Kim Womble
    Kim Womble says:

    Really helpful. Started doing plant based for my blood pressure issues. I am 74 and loving the plant based plan. So much good information for helping me. I have two good friends that are plant based. Thank you!

  2. Ina Wertzberger
    Ina Wertzberger says:

    A truly inspiring individual. Thank you Chef AJ for bringing Shelley Watts to us. (BTW: Tried the Pasca bread when I visited San Diego last month. It is absolutely delicious! Otherwise I do well with a slice or two (with a mountain of arugula and power greens between the slices) of no sodium Ezekiel bread.). I do make a fruit crisp similar to yours inspired by Broccoli Mum. But yours, Shelley, is way easier! And prob just as yummy. Will try your technique. Thank you again for sharing your wonderful transformation.

  3. Keeping it Simple
    Keeping it Simple says:

    Love this story. I love getting my kids to help me in the kitchen. We have been eating this way for fourteen years and I just started sharing videos on my YouTube channel about how we keep things simple in our family. Cooking simple starches and veggies at home is so key to making this lifestyle sustainable. And…a clean environment!!

  4. Adipose Rex
    Adipose Rex says:

    It sure helps when you do your own cooking. It is so easy to find good vegan recipes from so many vegan chefs or using an existing recipe without animal ingredients.


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