Secret Family Recipe Revealed!

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Hold on to your hats! Today I’m sharing my family’s prized secret recipe. This recipe has been passed down for generations! Recipe: …

38 replies
  1. Karen Dixon
    Karen Dixon says:

    I was onto your April 1st recipes the past couple years.. but for some reason I didn't think about it.. I looked at your thumbnail and said to myself that just looks like peanut butter and jelly.. then it hit! 😂😂😂

  2. Eldridge Smart
    Eldridge Smart says:

    Thanks for the video. Love the first of April. I appreciate it. Swirling & mixing the fruit & nut butter helps prevent the bread from sliding & the fruit from squirting & oozing. Thanks. Happy Easter.

  3. Mrs B
    Mrs B says:

    OMG! A must try secret recipe 🤯

    Heading over to the kitchen and see if the ingredients are available in our pantry but to my dismay 😔

    I can't wait to try your secret family recipe ASAP. Anyway, thanks for sharing! 😊 💕

    P. S. You nailed the star shape 🌟
    I'm a fan! 😍

  4. Bob Dole
    Bob Dole says:

    I couldn't handle the smearing of "finely ground nut paste" on the same piece of bread as the "fresh berry puree". I'm all for April fools but that was torture for my OCD!

  5. SMUG
    SMUG says:

    This reminds me of the time, when me and my date had reservations at one of the finest hotel resturants in Los Angeles. Our waiter advised us that they had the best Tomato-Basil soup in the world, all homemade. The Chef even came out wearing a big chef's hat, speaking with an Italian accent he stated; he made this lovely soup himself. Well we were served these steaming hot bowls of Tomato-Basil by the Chef's daughter she was all decked out in a red sequen dress and made a big production of serving the soup. We assured her we did not need anything else and she left us to our meal. It was the fair at best, we were not impressed by the flavor of this soup. Well I soon found out why, I found the lid of the soup can in the bottom of my bowl. That was it! We pushed it aside and called the waiter. He siad he did not know how a thing like that could have happened. I told him we would never be back and that they need to quit calling this homemade soup because it is right out of a can! Of course we were comp'ed and we never went back. I'll just say this, stay out of Smeraldi’s at the Biltmore in LA, unless you like canned soup made by a fake italian chef. Look for the lid in your bowl!


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