Seasoning Your Baking Sheets to Improve Browning

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Seasoning Your Baking Sheets to Improve Browning 00:00 Intro 01:56 New vs Old Baking Sheets 03:50 Speeding up the Aging 05:10 The Wonder Bread Test …

46 replies
  1. zendood
    zendood says:

    I wish more people would realize how harmful aluminum is to our health. It is a neurotoxin yet is used in making pans, sheets, cans, foil, baking powder, underarm deodorants, medications, vaccines…etc. Linked to Autism, Alzheimer's , Cancer, Kidney dysfunction, Bone problems…etc.

  2. Monique Macaulay
    Monique Macaulay says:

    I started using silicone mats on my baking sheets.I don't remember the brand name but they are in the grocery store where tin foil is. I find they brown really nicly. They last for a long time too.

  3. Ti C
    Ti C says:

    And all my roommates said I was being lazy and gross for not scrubbing until silver, and only soaking and doing a light soap and water scrub! I knew I had something good going on!

  4. troglodon
    troglodon says:

    My groaty old stainless steel baking tray is a beast
    crispy everything, no sticking, odd little flake of black something in there
    but its a crunchy treat

  5. Kalisparo
    Kalisparo says:

    So would this be due to the colour, ie black absorbs infrared whereas shiny tends to reflect it, or does it have something to do with the seasoning itself?

  6. Michael Olsen
    Michael Olsen says:

    As a graduate of Le Cordon Bleu, a student of high end chefs, and now a chef myself… I can tell you that not a damn one of us even talks about this to each other. It's just not something I think any of us think about, and now I can tell a friend of mine why his pastries aren't coming out like he's used to. He just started a new restaurant and the owner bought brand new everything (as normal) so none of it has any seasoning to it. Thank you for this video!

  7. Suthriel
    Suthriel says:

    That´s a great discovery, even more, because it was in plain sight of everyone, and nobody seemed to realize it ^.^ Would be an interesting experiment to cut one sheet into several pieces and season one piece, let the other shiny, and then roast the toast at the same time on the shiny and the seasoned piece, and a parchment paper.

  8. Hayley
    Hayley says:

    I love this lady so much! I like the way she speaks, so calming and clear and warm and friendly. I like how informative she is, explaining the why and how of it all but without overcomplicating anything. I love her accent and she is a pleasure to look at with her warm smile. I am so grateful that she timestamps in the description and sets chapters. Just everything!

  9. Alkaris
    Alkaris says:

    I guess that makes more sense, coat your new pans in oil for things you really want to cook and brown, and another for when you don't want to burn the bottom.

  10. Jane Lord
    Jane Lord says:

    Very good information, thank you. I thought I was being such a bad washer user by not getting the sheets clean.
    One question though, if your saying the dark trays work best then why can we not get dark colored parchment paper !

  11. Paty M.
    Paty M. says:

    Great information, thank you 🙂 You saved my pastries 😀 Did you ever used silicon mats instead of parchment paper? I found recently a Lekue microperforated silicon sheet for pizza that works just like you described do the paper 🙂 And is reusable.

  12. b g
    b g says:

    So incredibly helpful. You made me realize my under browning wasn't my fault or my oven's fault. And without your generous video telling us, I'd probably never have known. Thank you Helen. I have subscribed and will watch your channel frequently.

  13. Jasline
    Jasline says:

    Thank you so much for this video💖! 😭 Everyone thought I was crazy when I said food cooked on brand new baking sheets/pans tasted very weird! I love old blackened kitchen ware!!!

  14. su a
    su a says:

    There is a simple explanation, heat waves are exactly like light waves, shiner the surface more heat energy reflected or bounces from the surface so wasted some of the energy. Darker the surface more heat waves absorbed and higher temperature locked in the material.


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