SDSBBQ – Frying Croakers and Cooking Veggies #OneCantLiveOnSmokedMeatsAlone

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In another installment in the #OneCantLiveOnSmokedMeatsAlone series… I bring you along while I fry some fish.

11 replies
  1. Victor Benner
    Victor Benner says:

    So , Croakers? Hmmm,never heard of them before. Souned like another name for frogs. So I looked them up. Interesting fish. Found in east coast estuaries from Massachusetts to the Gulf of Mexico. Anyway now about your vegetable dish. I understand your logic with the mushrooms but hold on. I used to hold my mushrooms more towards the end also but of course had to deal with the excess moisture they would expel but no longer. You see I found out while watching a episode of America's Test Kitchen that you actually can't over cook mushrooms. Tiss a fact ( I know, hard to believe but true) Anyways so now I add my mushrooms first into the skillet before anything else. As the moisture is released from the mushrooms the skillets shape helps to convert that moisture to steam and drifts away ( watch the sides of the skillet and you can see it. Great visual demonstration of thermodynamics. ) So with the excess moisture gone add the asparagus and Sautee. If there is still a little moisture in the skillet before adding the asparagus that's ok. The steam will help to cook the asparagus a little faster while being sautéed. Since learning this my heated mushroom dishes and sauces have noticeable improved. It's amazing, they just don't overcook. Now of course I'm not saying you can't burn them. But that's going to take a lot more heat than your going to give them so that's not a issue. Even on a high heat grill I have never burnt mushrooms but I keep a eye on them and move them around. Ok, feels like old times, what with a lengthy comment here. I'll let you know if I get to rent the foodtrailer. It's fully loaded, a certified commercial kitchen with tons of commercial equipment and a flip up rear door ramp so I can bring some cookers to site,roll out the back and use. This will mean ( if we come to a price we both can agree on) that in addition to the farmers market I will be able to do other events, pop up's, etc. And in the meantime figure out what I like and don't like for when I do eventually order my custom built trailer. I'm really pumped up about this. I'll let you know what happens one way or another in the next day or so. Have a great day 🌤 😀 🍻👍


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