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40 replies
  1. Reed Makes
    Reed Makes says:

    Abby this may sound ridiculous to a mother of 4 because I’m a mother of 2 and sometimes don’t do it but have you tried a mocha pot and the illy coffee?? I know you use the premade stuff but GIRL idk why my husband bought it but randomly he brought it home and the coffee is sooo much better than getting it out. I think they actually make k cups, too. It makes coffee at home a treat instead of coffee out a treat 😂

  2. Lisa Margaret
    Lisa Margaret says:

    With the price of gasoline and all that and then dragging the baby out of the house and your little Sybil sometimes it’s better if they have a delivery option from your grocery store and just get it delivered. Sometimes they will have a month of free delivery with a coupon code at checkout. Just watch your grocery store for that ..Sybil is so sweet.❤😂🎉💐🌷🦋💕😘🌸🌺🥰🍡🍬

  3. Adriana Salas
    Adriana Salas says:

    I had a hard time with my daughter taking a bottle. I tried the Lansinoh bottles and they really worked for her. They are suppose to be for breastfed babies because of the wide neck and texture of the nipple. Maybe give it a shot.

  4. Jenny T
    Jenny T says:

    Thanks Abby for a nice day in the life video. Just a suggestion re getting Van to take a bottle – he may be less resistant if it's not you offering the change. Sometimes babies are more likely to try if it's not their mother – if your husband isn't there you could ask the older kids to try! Lastly, I love the music you had playing at about 15 to 18 minutes in this video, do you know what it's called? Best wishes from Sydney Australia

  5. InChristAlone153
    InChristAlone153 says:

    Just a heads up, please pay attention to what is going on around the world, bible prophecy is falling off the pages of the bible. If you aren't saved, you should get saved now before it's to late because Jesus is coming very very very soon. 1 Corinthians 15:1-4, Romans 10: 9-13, Ephesians 2: 8-9. Much love and God bless.

  6. April Knutson
    April Knutson says:

    Girl, same!! “They’re messy people. One of my daughter’s is a hoarder. I have to clean her room when she’s at school.” For real for real. One time I tried to include her and she tried to keep all the trash! She started crying “you never let me have anything!” 😒

  7. Ashley McDaniel
    Ashley McDaniel says:

    Totally agree about the dishes I feel like I have my life together if I wake up to a clean shinny sink and and counters… even if the rest of everything is a mess or falling apart lol currently in renovation mode lol… house is a disaster but my sinks clean! Haha it’s the small things


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