Saturday Sayings: Don't Give Up!

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35 replies
  1. blue person
    blue person says:

    “The Lord is not slow in keeping his promise, as some understand slowness. Instead he is patient with you, not wanting anyone to perish, but everyone to come to repentance.”
    ‭‭2 Peter‬ ‭3:9‬ ‭NIV‬

    ROMANS 10:9-11 “If you declare with your mouth, “Jesus is Lord,” and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved. For it is with your heart that you believe and are justified, and it is with your mouth that you profess your faith and are saved. As Scripture says, “Anyone who believes in him will never be put to shame”

    Matthew 11:28-30 “Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy and my burden is light.”

    “For the Son of Man came to seek and to save the lost.””
    ‭‭Luke‬ ‭19:10‬ ‭

    God wants us to believe in His One and Only Son, Jesus Christ our Lord and Savior, who died for our sins 😀 When we truly believe in our hearts that Jesus is the Son of God, who died for our sins so we could have eternal life with God, we are saved from the eternal fire and have eternal life in Christ Jesus!! 💖 May God bless all y’all!!

  2. RubyJ
    RubyJ says:

    You have me laughing so hard. I just love your sense of humor and love laughing with you. 🙂 You come up with all this wisdom, makes me think and nod and then your sense of humor has me grinning all over again.

  3. Pearl Drake
    Pearl Drake says:

    Great topic! You really did a good job on it! If you decide to go back to what was working for you, you would not be giving up, you would just be changing gears. Nutrisystem is expensive, especially with all the extras you need to buy, I was tempted to go on it, because with my health & knees & hips, fixing meals are not easy. I down loaded the Healthi apt,, to track with, trying to eat less processed food & more whole foods, lowering my carbs to help to get rid of inflammation. Proud of how much you have invested in trying to follow you plan & having it not being as successful as you thought it would be, not to mention the cost, it would be nice to have a chef come in & cook for us like Oprah does. Love your songs today, you had me smiling from ear to ear & I needed that. What ever you decide to do, I will be right here supporting you, I do understand where you are coming from, I think I told you before, I am soon to be 79, bone on bone in both hips & knees, not only am I too heavy to have surgery done ( heaviest Wright 285, was down to 230 with weight watchers, the came covid, was back to 261, present weight 251)
    I am also allergic to all narcotics, so don't even know if I can have surgery, & thinking about 4 major surgeries at 80 + years, don't think it is going to happen. Not giving up, we are strong, will try to get down to 170, my goal weight (I am 5'10") at least it will be easier to move ( i have to use a walker for every step & i live alone) & if I get bed ridden, don't want my caretakers trying to move & care for a 300 lb woman. I lost a cousin last year, she weighed over 400 lbs, bed ridden, I don't want that life.
    Thank you Kim for being you, you do bring joy in my life just being you, you are a special gift to your followers & I will be here cheering you on, I do understand you pain. ❤

  4. Lu G
    Lu G says:

    Oh my gosh, my dad never missed Hee Haw! I think it came on either just before or right after Lawrence Welk – talk about one end of the spectrum to the other! 😂 I'm with ya on the coffee thing – not countin' it; I stopped adding sugar a few years ago but, like you, I do use half & half til it's just the right color! 😆 You and David both look like you've lost some weight, so I'd say it's working, no matter what the scale says! ❤️

  5. deborah b
    deborah b says:

    Kim- I was singing "where oh where are you tonight?" with you- I used to love hee haw– Love American style and all those shows like that back in our day- I watched American bandstand(with Dick Clark) AND Soul Train(with Don Cornelius!— TRY to give it the whole week- JUST to see if your body will jump off after a few days– I like you will NEVER give up- I have blood sugar issues- oh No!

  6. Juanita Perrin
    Juanita Perrin says:

    Thanks again for Saturday sayings, love it. This week was really on point for me, hooking my blue wagon to your train and changed plans going from WW to calorie counting need to try something different as you say, I'm always a work in progress. You are looking good Miss Kim❤

  7. Susan Seifert
    Susan Seifert says:

    Thanks again Kim for another encouraging video,I really needed this today, You are loaded with wisdom, and great humor . The singing was great lol Love these Saturday sayings you never know where we are headed lol

  8. Marilyn S
    Marilyn S says:

    …My problem is…if I follow the plan, the plan works…except I’m a master at self-sabotage and justification…grrr…I’ve rode the struggle bus since start of pandemic…I need to start hitting it hard and shake it off

  9. Kara Hamil
    Kara Hamil says:

    oh my goodness yes !!!medications play a big part in the weight loss …. and coffee is something i never gave up or counted …. I use SF creamer ….. I do limit it to three mugs a day because of sleep… is my only vice….

  10. Chris Scinta
    Chris Scinta says:

    FYI. I used cream in my coffee when I returned to work. Gained 15 pounds in 2 months. I finally found Fairlife vanilla nutrition plan. I use it in my coffee, closest thing to cream I found. 150 calories for 11 ounces. I use it throughout the day. I’m like you I NEED coffee. That cream is a killer! Give Fairlife a try if you can!

  11. Kara Hamil
    Kara Hamil says:

    another thought…… to keep going forward with a certain diet that isn't giving you results is like getting on a bus seeing your not going to your destination… why would you stay on that bus, you'd get off and find the correct bus…..

  12. Kara Hamil
    Kara Hamil says:

    I hope if the scale goes up you will indeed go back to the lesser calories… like I said, back in the day I was a weight loss counselor and I have never seen anyone lose weight by eating more… BETTER yes, but not more…. some experiments need to be abandoned because the results are obviously goin in the wrong direction….. this may be one of them….I love your motivation talks….. almost like a Ted Talk….. hang in there, and I know you will just like I know you will get those new knees !!!!

  13. Cheryl Hernandez
    Cheryl Hernandez says:

    I Absolutely loved this video! I needed that saying more than anyone watching. I've been sabotaging myself over and over.
    I watched Hee Haw with my grandpa. I loved your singing. You can sing.

  14. Chris Scinta
    Chris Scinta says:

    I’ve learned that even when I mess up I’m eating healthier than I did in the past. I’m a turtle when loosing, but if you try to eat as healthy as possible you can’t go wrong. One thing I always say about my weight loss experience is “ I never give up”.


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