Rick Martínez's Frijoles Borrachos | Introduction to Mexican Cooking | Food Network

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Rick demonstrates how to make frijoles borrachos or “drunken beans,” a smoky dish using beer and bacon, that takes him back to …

24 replies
  1. Jerome Thiel
    Jerome Thiel says:

    If that was the kind of beans and rice i was served in middle school down south, i would have probably liked beans and rice. Cafeteria beans and rice was a soulless and flavorless exercise in trying to kill my appetite. That and it usually came with fried okra and cornbread. The cornbread was the only palatable thing on that tray.

  2. Jerome Thiel
    Jerome Thiel says:

    Holy Frijoles! ^-^

    Sincere question. If drying removed water, then adding the water back renders the bean basically back where it started, It doesn't taste like water, it tastes like the bean should taste. Now if you meant you wanted to add additional flavor, i get that! Just curious.

  3. Barbie c
    Barbie c says:

    This is great for my newly retired husband who wants to cook more and is a total beginner, but also great for those of us that want to try this dish.

  4. Gus 1901
    Gus 1901 says:

    Frijoles Charros and Frigoles Borrachos are kinda the same thing, people just prepare it differently, it depends on the region. They are both awesome for long drinking nights or the hangover.

  5. Cynthia Rosas
    Cynthia Rosas says:

    Everyone needs salvation here are the words of salvation please forgive me jesus im a sinner come into my heart and save me from my sin I no that you are the savior and I no that you died for me on calvary and I no that God raise you from the dead and you are alive and I thankyou for your salvation in Jesus holy name amen and its important to always ask for forgiveness

  6. Julie Oliva
    Julie Oliva says:

    I have a question why do you use tomato paste I’ve only seen with tomato sauce or fresh tomato I know the paste is real sweet does it still have the same mexican rice flavor


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