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My previous video had the comments on hold so that I could choose what you see but I thought I’d reply to them in a video. Here it …

43 replies
  1. Amy Mycroft
    Amy Mycroft says:

    Has a revert Muslim I can relate to the hijab being part of my mental health and I have a on off relationship with it because I find it hard… the likes of dina Tokio and saffs life made it easy for me to wear hijab with all there lovely tutorials May Allah reward them both. Say ameen… they made me feel confident in scarf was so sad to see both of the remove it but I'm not sad for me I'm sad for them knowing how it becomes a part of your mental state. I just make dua for you saff ❤
    To the rest of you. "The people whom are furthest from me on the day of judgment are those who talked uselessly, those who put others down (backbite) and those who show off when they talk"
    Don't try correct someone's sin by commiting sin.. ♡

  2. Marisa H
    Marisa H says:

    Great video! I couldn’t watch it all because I got so frustrated for you with the comments. Yes you are right, these comments gives Islam a bad name – especially the women – being this judgemental and unforgiving and rigid.
    It’s subtle bullying.
    So proud of you for standing up to it and being such a wonderful role model for your daughter.
    Loving your channel even more now!
    Ps. I’m not Muslim but am fascinated by all religions and love learning about them .

  3. Imogen Whitfield
    Imogen Whitfield says:

    Oh wow I loved this! I never watch your YouTube as I have no interest in kids or cleaning 😂 My cats are my children. But I had to watch this and you're on fire! Proud of you for speaking up 🙌🏻

  4. jeninthecity
    jeninthecity says:

    Saf, I love your sense of humor! I really laughed throughout this video. I'm not Muslim so I don't have any opinions about you wearing or not wearing a scarf. I just love your content because you're very real and relatable. I'm glad you're being true to yourself and handling this situation with strength and some laughs.

  5. Emily Louise
    Emily Louise says:

    Assalamualaikum sis I am 3mins and 17seconds in this video! I’m so glad I came across your video. I am a revert I started wearing my Hijab in lockdown so it was easy as I was only in small places but since closure of lock downs I have struggled with wearing Hijab when it comes to going into doing anything I would normally do with my daughter. Family accept me more without me wearing my Hijab. And I have been chocked a few times with my Hijab by my Dementia patients so I started taking it off when on shift in work then slowly took it off to just go do the weekly shop. I feel easier todo any normal task as I wasn’t use wearing the Hijab. I hope my husband does understand but it does annoy me when he says he loves me more when I wear my hijab but I don’t understand that bit as I was not a Hijabi or even Muslim when we started talking about marriage 🤯 since then I have been a bit distant with him as I feel as now I don’t wear a Hijab I’m not good enough for him. But I could of not been honest with him as he would of never known as he’s in work when I go into work and when I do weekly shop. I feel happier and confident in my own skin now but feel as if I’m not good enough for my husband

  6. Rio Shabz
    Rio Shabz says:

    Good for you, Inshallah you know what works for you sis. Its your life at the end of the day, Love watching your Vlogs and looking foward to many more. Go girl you tell em how it is.

  7. saima
    saima says:

    Just waTched snippets of this long video and wish I had left a comment that you could personally reply too.

    You looked stunning with hijab and you look stunning without and one day you may want to wear it the next day not that's up to you no one can judge that.

    We should praise good deeds I admired you with it but it doesn't make u bad we are on out personal journey n you may do a good deed like zakat that may outweigh anything else.

    Therefore, we shouldn't judge you as a Muslim. If pple want to advise it should be done in private. However, I understand there are allot of youths that look up to you. N with a hijab on you were representing Islam the pressure there is real.

    I'm glad you had the strength and courage to do whatever you want too. Stay strong and don't let any comment upset you just wear it when you feel like it and don't when you don't want too.

    💘😻💜💛💚 you keep it real. Xxx 100

  8. Soonam Ahsan
    Soonam Ahsan says:

    I wish I had made a hate comment so you would read out hehehe, jokes apart i was surprised you took a huge step you could have worn in front of us and not in your real life but you choose to be real and honest with us 👍 love you May Allah SWT always blesses you.

  9. Misbah Shahbaz
    Misbah Shahbaz says:

    Salam Saf it’s your life and you can do and live your life as you want. Good luck and hope you feel better if that is the best decision for you. I still follow you hope you follow lslam in your life. X

  10. Zahra Khan
    Zahra Khan says:

    So many undercover haters out there need to get a life and be happy for a fellow muslim sister.. whether she chooses to be with or without a hijab you are still beautiful as a person that's what is important .. it doesn't give anyone the right to be judgemental… we're all entitled to our opinions but to be abrupt goes to show the kind of person you are…why not make dua for them instead…saf you are an amazing mum humble & a beautiful blessing Allhamdulilah 🤲

  11. Tubassum Asghar
    Tubassum Asghar says:

    You are a beautiful person and gud for you for being you cz it's so hard to do something what you really want to do out in public. Go tell them block all these meanies and nasties all over the media who just criticize and scrutinise. You look pretty with or without

  12. Ima Lifestyle
    Ima Lifestyle says:

    That’s so true sister it good to be true to yourself and also a good thing you said is about how you’re being yourself and not trying to show or betray yourself of something and it true your true to yourself girl and as long as your happy and comfortable why are people caring of your choice they should judge you

  13. JAMILA Y
    JAMILA Y says:

    Saf your such a down to earth person, inside and out, I remember seeing you at that charity event in Birmingham, I didn't get too speak with yourself personally at the time. Always speak your mind and don't shy away from your true self, make your own personal choices not for anyone else's decisions upon your way of life, the Almighty knows your struggles not them. All this people having a closed minded judgemental narrative towards you need too check themselves… This are properly the ones faking a Image 😂😂😂 backbiting and talking behind a screen about people's choices it none of their business. Stay blessed I hope you overcome the struggles your facing and May the Almighty gives you Sabr Insha'Allah ♥♥♥

  14. Best food yet Try it
    Best food yet Try it says:

    You know in normal times I would have said don’t waste your time addressing anyone because Allah knows best , he knows who you are in your heart but gurrllll it made me laugh so much I am happy you done it

    Ps staying on team Allah the most forgiving the most merciful by saying you look beautiful with or without.

  15. Neelam
    Neelam says:

    Hi. I follow you on instagram just subscribed now, thought i had before. Its such a shame that muslims are bashing another muslim for taking a certain step. Since when does islam condone abusing someone. It is disappointing that you did take your scarf off, but im not going to bash you for that. Thats your choice and personal reasons you have. I just pray Allah helps you and givees you the strength you need. It is just a shame the negative response you got. Its not a trend i think, different people have their own reasons and struggles in the actions they take, whether its related to hijab or something else. What did people think? That bashing you will change your mind? That doesnt even make sense. Stay strong.

  16. Liza Neomi's life
    Liza Neomi's life says:

    Assalam alaikum sister💖

    Some ppl are so ignorant! Lol They judge and backbite and are rude and then want to tell you that you’re a bad person for removing your scarf, lol smh Hijab isn’t only about a scarf on your head, ppl need to educate or re-educate themselves! At the end of the day, Islam is about living for and pleasing Allah swt not people. May Allah swt guide us all, ameen. Xoxo!!💖💖

  17. Yasmin Momoniat
    Yasmin Momoniat says:

    Isn't it "cover your beauty with hijab" according to the Quran.. shame these "hijabis think different.. it's offensive saying you don't look beautiful without .. we don't measure each other with how much we pray?? Do we.. ? I suppose the hijabis don't have friends without hijab 🤔 I think "Hijabi" nowadays is another trend to look beautiful according to them

  18. Jode xx
    Jode xx says:

    It’s actually really sad that you even felt you had to do a video on this. This is YOUR life! You haven’t changed as a person, you are beautiful with or without. People shouldn’t be so concerned as it’s not going to affect them in anyway 🤷🏼‍♀️ I assume the people that are judging are Muslim themselves. Which is bad as ONLY Allah can judge. And they should know that. So they’re doing wrong?! Check yourselves people

  19. Supersass
    Supersass says:

    Ur beautiful inside and out. Islam is a very personal thing and how you live your life is up to you. I took my scarf of years ago and I don’t think I will ever wear it again. Some people think I am not a Muslim because of it but to me a scarf does not make u a Muslim it is ur love and belief in Allah that makes us Muslim. 😘😘. Anyone who has been horrible to you cannot call themselves a proper believer or Muslim as true Islam is all about love and kindness xxxxx

  20. Sam Aziz
    Sam Aziz says:

    Asslamu Alaikum, my love saf , iv been watching you a year now, others can stop judging u , , who are they to judge , there have not waked in your shoes, Let the haters hate , there loss, , stay strong and keep shining girl❤️🤲


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