Real Hawaiian Teriyaki Steak -Teriyaki on the Griddle

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This recipe for real Hawaiian teriyaki steak comes to me straight from a native Hawaiian! This Hawaiian teriyaki beef is fantastic …

50 replies
  1. Trevor Hodge
    Trevor Hodge says:

    Love watching your griddle show's don't really care which griddle you are using for the most part they are some what the same. We just have a 2 burner portable one we take it camping and use it the most. But anyway I think you are a straight shooter and have some good recipes you cook. Your my favorite griddle show!

  2. Michael Parmenter
    Michael Parmenter says:

    I'm thinking about picking up one of those Yukon tool chests from the store to use as a prep table alongside my griddle. Are you able to keep yours in storage when not in use? I'm not able to do that and I'm wondering if some sort of cover will help that wood top not succumb to the elements of West Texas, my location.

  3. peidi liu
    peidi liu says:

    Hi Flat top king! I really enjoy watching your videos and made a few things that I learned from your channel on my Camp Chef also. Anyways, I live in Sacramento California and here we have a burger restaurant called Squeeze In Burger. I believe Guy Fieri from the food network actually hosted an episode of his show in that restaurant. I think this burger should be right up your ally since it’s made on a griddle. Please look it up and I would love to see your version of this burger! Thank you again and keep up the good work!

  4. James Belcher
    James Belcher says:

    Great video! I have learned so much from your channel in the last couple weeks. Doesn't make sense to me that someone gets offended by you putting your own twist in cooking something. If you had made some derogatory statement about a culture, that may be different, but just cooking? C'mon man. I grew up in South Knoxville and now live in MI. When you mention East TN, or the Vols, it starts making me homesick lol.

  5. Brian Brinegar
    Brian Brinegar says:

    Excellent video! I look forward to trying the recipe!!
    Suggestion: Date-night dinner videos; One to go with a glass of wine, one to go with a martini and one to go with beer (depending on the date)!

  6. Abel Garcia
    Abel Garcia says:

    I'm really that kind of person that don't care about everybody says …it looks great and I'm pretty sure it tastes great too so if it fits you….. 👍 Next time so people won't get offended just say .this is my take on this recipe. And problem solved

  7. Bobbi Catton
    Bobbi Catton says:

    Fantastic! This sure looks like a winner to me!😊Great tip to caramelized the pineapple, and "clean as you go" is especially great advice with that sticky sauce👍

  8. mike delacruz
    mike delacruz says:

    Super awesome cook Brotha ✊🏼🧐! That was pretty cool of him sending you his recipe. I always buy the store bought, but i’ll give this recipe a go. Great choice with the flank 😋👌! Happy Father’s Day My Guy, enjoy your day. I think my sons are going to bbq some new yorks for me. I cant wait. Cheers y’all 👊🏼😎🤙🏼

  9. Stephen Vargas
    Stephen Vargas says:

    I’m sorry man! But this is ridiculous. “Disrespectful to his culture”!? Get the hell out of here. Make what you want, make it how you like it, and tell these keyboard princesses to kiss you ASS!!!

  10. Jay Booth
    Jay Booth says:

    What an absolutely great Hawaiian teriyaki dish you recreated Neal! Thanks for the story behind this cook. It’s the stories and thoughts that go into creating wonderful meals that, in my opinion, helps build this griddle community! Awesome cook brother! Thank you my friend! Cheers!

  11. Idon Wantella
    Idon Wantella says:

    Also, when I inquire about temp settings, I'm curious where you have your temp dials set low/medium/high. I'm never concerned about actual temperature because I do not have an IR thermometer.

  12. Idon Wantella
    Idon Wantella says:

    Quick note: cooking/grilling pineapple reduces the bromelain. Bromelain is the enzyme that tenderizes meat and it is also the reason your lips tingle and your tongue burns when eating uncooked pineapple. I will eat fresh pineapple until my tongue is so burnt that I can't taste anything for 3 days.

  13. Billy Haney
    Billy Haney says:

    Another great vid, i don’t use recipes I use what I have on hand, I thing maybe the only time a recipe needs to follow is if your baking. Thanks for sharing.

  14. Chris Rhodes
    Chris Rhodes says:

    Just got done making your muffin mix pancakes….man, those were so good. We did blueberry. Happy father's day! Thanks for all your recipes man, I'm loving this Blackstone and your recipes!

  15. Louie Munoz
    Louie Munoz says:

    I noticed you said one cup of Soy Sauce and the Mirin would be half that, but you only added 1/4 cup. Would you recommend it that way or a half cup? Thanks and Happy Fathers Day.

  16. Cody Russow
    Cody Russow says:

    Happy Father's day FTK , much respect to you for the willingness to listen to the person whom was offended and take his/her knowledge along with yours and create a killer recipe.. Much respect brotha ✌️


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