REACTION to Alexandra Rodriguez “comment section and random vlogs and try on haul”

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27 replies
  1. @violetfig
    @violetfig says:

    I swear the majority of people that side with Alex are subs bought through the marketing agency she works with. They all sound the same–it's like they follow a general script. I don't see those kinds of comments on other controversial plus-size Youtubers. Too bad Youtube doesn't deep dive into Alex's account…that subscriber count doesn't make any sense.

  2. @EricaTuller
    @EricaTuller says:

    Her vlogs are sooooo boring! I only watch them because I enjoy your reaction, Tarah country shade tree, and Nella I am just reacting. One day I will catch you live, but I usually have to watch on rewatch, because my husband can’t stand her. 😂 It is so annoying when she shortens words, like in the second vlog an Arnold Palmie, no it’s an ARNOLD PALMER, the drink is actually named after someone you idiot! I don’t know how she eats so much cheese! I pulled back on cheese consumption years ago, and I am so glad I did. I eat every now and then, and that’s enough for me. I can’t believe she tries to pass off a 3X men’s sweatshirt as a woman’s sweatshirt. Makes a big deal about making the sweatshirt then doesn’t even wear it. 🤦🏻‍♀️ You always say what I am thinking, and your reactions always make me laugh out loud!
    I hope you feel better soon!! 💕

  3. @missingmimic
    @missingmimic says:

    Alex has a hole inside her that is all consuming yet will never be filled, because she tries to fill it with mindless shittt. Shes always onto the next "better" thing bc the hole tells her it will finally make her feel better. Aside from the stuff shes shilling of course. Alex, that hole cannot be filled with makeup and fast fashion and food, you need therapy, you will never feel complete. A baby will just be another way she won't feel fulfilled.

  4. @nocallerid24
    @nocallerid24 says:

    hey priscilla ! there is a website called gurugossiper and there are multiple posts about alex and how she is addicted to food and doesn’t need a baby and they basically say all the things you say. can you review those comments one day ?? i enjoy your commentary 😂

  5. @judyklein649
    @judyklein649 says:

    How tf does she "work out" continually and still bigger than the side of a barn?? Clearly, she eats waaaay too many calories/carbs in a 24 hour period. 😳🙄🥴..and another thing…im sick of hearing her announce every fn time she "showers". Puleeeeez!!!! 🤡

  6. @janefriel6895
    @janefriel6895 says:

    Alex doesn't look at her audience because shes a liar.Alex doesn't care about elderly people. She can't leave her grandparents in peace. She lands herself at their home for food and because she can't be alone at 31 years old.Then she makes " old lady " remarks.She is a disgrace to her grandparents.

  7. @burlapbear
    @burlapbear says:

    Oh my god she's truly unbearable. Also I hate hearing people talk about all the human food they give their dogs…ha ha yes pancreatisis is so adorable. Obviously a small treat now and then is probably ok but idk why she can detail like 10 human snacks the dog does/doesn't like. Unfortunately a lot of people treat small dogs like toys instead of dogs…just because he's little and cute doesn't mean he wants you shoving a camera in his face and screeching at him Alex. He's not a stuffed animal

  8. @Tcat506
    @Tcat506 says:

    I'm so glad people are calling her out about eye fucking herself in the camera. She absolutely loves looking at herself – it's nothing to do with her being uncomfortable to look into the camera at her audience. And her hair looks atrocious – her new salon are doing her dirty – and I love that for them😂 Hope you had a great Valentines Day & Night Priscilla 🥰💋


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