Rabbit noodle soup, a failed breeding, & a new litter

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I love making rabbit noodle soup. It’s probably one of my favorite meals! This soup is great for convincing skeptical people to like …

19 replies
  1. rachelle stringer™
    rachelle stringer™ says:

    I neeeeeed an indoor grow rack!!!!! With lights!!!! I bought lights this year and grew some things on the back of my toilet 🤣 I lost my nasturtium to my roaming rabbit lol. So excited for you and you're growing all the same things I am lol. It's warm enough down here and everything is growing decently outside. I have kale and lettuce but can NOT get the lettuce to take off 😪 keep us updated on all your green things!!!

  2. LilBit AtATime
    LilBit AtATime says:

    Your soup looks amazing! Go Jameson on those homemade noodles! I pressure canned all the harvested rabbit meat so soup will be very easy. Lots of colorful farm fresh eggs. May your garden flourish!

  3. Ashlyn Christel
    Ashlyn Christel says:

    Thanks for sharing the recipe. OMG everything is looking amazing! You are doing such a great job in your gardening efforts. You could do a whole video just on what people can grow for their rabbits to eat! I can't believe how many eggs you guys have (might have to start doing farmers market or curb stand!) Hopefully you are all doing well!!

  4. Annette Finn
    Annette Finn says:

    I bred my doe on the 3of March and she hasn’t started nesting this is her third the first she made it the day before but sadly it passed away and her second she made it a week before but she hasn’t started nesting at all so if anyone has any advice I gave her a nest box a few mins ago so I’ll see if she does anything later

  5. Kayla Spangle
    Kayla Spangle says:

    I've been waiting for another video!! Trying to be patient! Lol.
    We recently picked up a female Chinchilla that is possibly mixed not sure she looks a little bit different then purebred? She has some white. Regardless she is so soft and beautifully thick. Hopefully can breed her to our silver fox male for some nice nest bun buns. Would love to try this soup!


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