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It’s been awhile since the last Q+A so answering your questions in today’s FALL 2021 Q+A video! Thank you to HelloFresh for sponsoring today’s video!

27 replies
  1. Ashley Evans
    Ashley Evans says:

    I’ve moved three times in the past six years by myself as a single person. Kentucky, New Mexico, and now South Korea. I’m now on the complete opposite side of the world from my family and I still struggle sometimes with homesickness even after almost two years. My biggest piece of advice is to fully embrace the differences. I don’t try to find the same things in any of the places I live because I know it won’t be able to compare. I’ve taken to the foods, customs, and past times of each of the places I’ve lived. In Korea, I eat with chopsticks almost exclusively, take off my shoes when entering any home, and absolutely ignore stop lights unless my gps gives me a heads up that cctv is watching 😂 There are so many amazing and fun differences and embracing those makes it so much easier to stay positive being away from everyone I know and love.

  2. En Casita con Claus
    En Casita con Claus says:

    I actually just made your Chicken Tortilla Soup recipe on Friday. I love it!
    It’s super easy and a great meal option for when you are having to run errands or a busy day. God Bless You and your family!

  3. kb08088
    kb08088 says:

    You sounded so sad talking about home! Would you ever move back to Cleveland and chalk Hawaii up to what your family needed “now” but not forever, and I’m sure was an amazing investment opportunity with the renos that you did

  4. AJ’s Squad
    AJ’s Squad says:

    I had a dream of moving to California. I was in my late 40’s, divorced, my daughter was in college and decided to go for it. Seven months after moving, I met my now husband, and gained 2 bonus daughters. I’m glad I chased my dream!

  5. Kaelyn Fernandez
    Kaelyn Fernandez says:

    As a born & raised Hawaiian, mahalo for acknowledging and talking about respecting the culture and the island! We do often feel disrespected and feel taken for granted. A lot of our favorite go to spots is taken away from us because tourists can’t respect the area. Bottom line, as long as you respect our islands, the culture, and the people of hawaii, you’ll definitely feel that aloha spirit!!

  6. Linda
    Linda says:

    My daughter and her family lived in Australia for a while. They lived in Manly which is a lovely beach town just a ferry ride from Sydney. It is so much fun, beautiful beaches, restaurants and hikes. I would recommend staying there for several days. I had never heard of it until they moved there. Very crowded on weekends just like all beach areas. Of course, you live at the beach, so it might not be as exciting for you.

  7. Sundown
    Sundown says:

    Please please please
    If you are having anxiety.
    Stop all caffeine and alcohol
    Go for a quick walk outside for even just 10/15 minutes

    And if you really want anxiety knocked out do 15 minutes every day meditation

    If you’ve never meditated please don’t understatement it’s power.

    And it’s self talk too. Tell yourself nice things stop scaring yourself. You’re doing a great job. Say I am calm. I am safe.

  8. Simply Mel
    Simply Mel says:

    I moved to Florida from New York so I can totally relate to that home sick feeling but also loving where you currently live because it makes you and your family happier !

  9. Amanda Gill
    Amanda Gill says:

    Bri..I would also say checking with a functional health doctor may be an option too! Many times mental health is connected with gut health and that is what most functional doctors focus on..as well as finding the root cause to your symptoms..🥰

  10. Jackie Eileen
    Jackie Eileen says:

    Hi Bri! Always such inspiring videos 🙂
    My parents moved our family from NY to FL 20 years ago when my brother and I were children, we were homesick for a while, but it made my family so much closer. Plus, now that I'm an adult, I'm inspired by how brave my parents were to follow their dreams and start their own business in a new place. It makes me dream bigger and work harder 🙂 Best wishes! 🍂🍁🍂🍁

  11. Nicole Davicsin
    Nicole Davicsin says:

    Always enjoy watching you. You are seriously amazing. We went out on a whim and moved to Alaska for a full year (our dream place) and then ended moving back to New Jersey. We would love to go back, I know the struggles you are going through with doing such a dramatic move, keeping you in our prayers! Always focus on the positive and how this is your life now and to not focus on where you were!

  12. Jeremy Bayne
    Jeremy Bayne says:

    Please say a prayer for me. I have been dealing with Cancer for 18 months fighting very hard. I wish with all my heart God keeps giving me time to spend with my son. I have had 7 surgeries in 17 months. I try to keep a good an happy life. Thank you for your time. I have been watching your videos for over a year an a half. I like your faith, that an my son keeps me going.

  13. Bayan Hijir
    Bayan Hijir says:

    Hey Bri! I just want to say as a bf mom there are more natural options for the anxiety you dont have to push through it! A great cranial osteopath can do amazing things for ur nervous system! Also amazing for babies who had birth traumas! A good naturopath with diet changes and supplements can be life changing! And finally a reputable classical homeopath can do wonders for your overall health! Seeing a good airway centric dentist for ALF and or a tongue tie release can also be life changing! So much I have learned about addressing the root causes of anxiety and not just suppressing the symptoms with meds. Sending you much love!

  14. sliced & iced
    sliced & iced says:

    Hi Bri, my name is Kim and I recently was thinking about maybe starting my own youtube channel. At one point I posted a video, and I removed the video because I felt I looked really unnatural. Do you have any advice for someone looking into beginning their own channel? I'm anxious that people won't like me.

    Love you so so much <3


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