Q&A! Bullied For Being Adopted? She Wants A 14th Sibling?? (Large Family Vlog)

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Today is our large family Q&A with Alayna! She answers questions about being adopted, if she wants additional siblings and more …

33 replies
  1. Darci
    Darci says:

    I loved this and seeing you and Alayna laughing and having a good time. First of all massive kudo's to you Rhea for everything you've done to be able to adopt each of your children and how much extra work and time you put into it! โค You're such a smart, funny and beautiful young lady Alayna, I love hearing your stories of your siblings and what you like and dislike! I love that you all love to do youtube, I can't imagine how much work it is but I can tell you every time I watch your video's you and your family make my day and always bring a smile to my face!! ๐Ÿ˜Š

  2. Susan Fortune
    Susan Fortune says:

    I homeschooled my daughter in high school. She has special needs and we worked with an IEP. She actually did much better at home. Please check into your school district for help. If you prefer homeschooling, you may have to almost demand for tutoring or special services. Check with homeschool moms in your area about group activities and support. In this day and age, donโ€™t send your kids to school if you donโ€™t have to. My grandkids attend a wealthy school district that is predominately white. My grandkids are biracial. You cannot believe the garbage going on in high school basketball. My daughter finally had to contact the principal. Good luck!

  3. Susan Fortune
    Susan Fortune says:

    Alayna, youโ€™re the sweetish young lady! I hope you continue on the path you are on. Youโ€™re going to have a very good future. Guess what? The town I live in is called Beaver, Pennsylvania. Iโ€™ve been missing all your videos. I donโ€™t know why Iโ€™m not getting the notifications. Iโ€™ll look back to see what Iโ€™ve missed. โค๏ธ ๐Ÿ™

  4. darklordmenet
    darklordmenet says:

    there are programs for homeschooled kids with extra needs you just gotta find them in your area. there are also tutores you can get for the kids for how ever many days a week you need.

  5. Bonnie B
    Bonnie B says:

    I need a Rosie therapist in my life ๐Ÿ˜‚ "just get over it!" I'm going to try to remember that the next time I'm having a bad day ๐Ÿ˜Šโค

  6. Kristine S
    Kristine S says:

    Awww Alayna is so sweet! What a great kid! I love how embarrassed she got when she said the horse ๐ŸŽ broke her glasses!๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚ She's too funny!โค

  7. candi mclane
    candi mclane says:

    P.S You're designs for clothes are awesome! I'd love to see some designs for like special needs kids and older folks.They want pretty,and stylish and could use easy closures on their clothes!๐Ÿ˜Š

  8. candi mclane
    candi mclane says:

    Oh my word.Elena you're a special girl! I love your personality and those precious dimples!! I know your parents are very proud of you! Hugs sweet friends๐Ÿ˜Šโค

  9. BS Detector
    BS Detector says:

    I laughed all the way through this. The bond you have together is amazing, I love you both laughing and Atlantaโ€™s perspective on her sibling counselling was so funny.

  10. Shirley Warner
    Shirley Warner says:

    Best thing to do when dealing with anyone is to write it down. My experience was with health care and medical suppliers. I have two disabled children and wrote down who, when and what they said about the need.. I dated and wrote down names too. GREAT IDEA.

  11. Jamie Kendall
    Jamie Kendall says:

    Alanya, just know that the rude comment from a classmate was awful, I have always said the almost anyone can have a child they don't often get to choose them. But an adopted child is chosen! The foster parents or adoptive parents have seen you and chosen to love you ,care for you and have you live in their hearts. Know that that is an amazing feeling to know that. Bullies are just very insecure people with jealousy issues. Absolutely love your family and watching your videos. ALL of you children are smart, kind, loving and well mannered children. Mom and dad I can see love you all soooooooo much and want you in their lives. God bless you all โค

  12. Gram Cracker
    Gram Cracker says:

    Alayna, you have such an engaging personality and you seem to really enjoy life. The interaction between mother and daughter is so sweet. Thanks for being open. ๐Ÿ’œ๐Ÿ’œ


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