Protein is great for weight loss… but you’re doing it wrong

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39 replies
  1. Robert Jager
    Robert Jager says:

    I absolutely love cheese. But what most people don't watch out for is how much calories are in it. When I'm hitting the gym
    4 times a week I usually keep it at 2-4 slices a day to stay in my caloric deficit!

  2. Mike D
    Mike D says:

    It's all about finding the foods with a good (low)calorie to protein ratio. Greek yogurt is high on the list because it's about 1 gram of protein per 10 calories. Cod fish is the king when it comes to that ratio. On the flip side, if you eat something that has 10 grams of protein but 500 calories, that's not helping anything if you want to keep weight down. And when you're talking about protein being great for weight loss, you should probably mention why it's good. The thermic effect is highest and it takes a large percentage of its energy just to metabolize it, so you get some free calories out of it.

  3. Marian Schoeller
    Marian Schoeller says:

    "This is a lot of yoghurt" while showcasing slightly less than a portion that I eat 2-3x a day for last 2 years. Rookie numbers I must say.
    Adding a scoop of protein powder to the greek yoghurt is a great tip and what I have always been doing. But if you are using 1 cup (which what according to google translating to european should be roughly 300g) then you might as well use 2 protein scoops instead or else you will have very runny consistancy unless you like it that way. Personally I go for 300-400g with 2 scoops depending on the consistancy I want at the moment.
    Another professional tips and tricks are:
    Use quark instead of low fat greek yoghurt (thicker consistancy, higher protein to calorie ratio, usually cheaper, downside: unlike greek yoghurt doesnt have the probiotic benefit)
    Potential add-ons: Blueberries, Raspberries, Oatmeal
    Potential way to add consistancy / increase satiety: 1-5g of xanthamgum for a good wrist workout and for creating nice greek yoghurt cement, downside / upside: lowers the overall taste / sweetness of the dish and can have slightly weird soury aftertaste if not mixed well or too much or 5-15g of psyllium fiber for still somewhat thick consistancy with interesting wheat-like taste.
    Potential seasoning: cinnamon, lemon peel / lemon juice, cardamom etc.

  4. SadisticStang
    SadisticStang says:

    Couple of things. She said 'full source of protein' when commenting on the Tempe. There is no full source of protein from plant bases.. Also, the source matters. Meat protein far out weights plant based both in quality(amino acids) and density. You need far more calories worth of plant food to achieve near the same amount of protein from meat

  5. jammin6816
    jammin6816 says:

    Egg falacy: You Don’t need to eat 5 eggs in one sitting, only 2-3 eggs. The body can only absorb 12-15 grams of protein per meal. Each egg has 6 grams of protein, therefore you only need 2-3 eggs per meal.

  6. Stephen Furr
    Stephen Furr says:

    My LDL months back before I made a life change and started the 8/16 was 216 and Total was 297. It’s more genetic, but hoping I can alter. If I eat this much chicken, which does contain Cholesterol and this many eggs daily, will my 8/16 help regulate the Cholesterol?

  7. Project100
    Project100 says:

    Great visual aids for those of us with trouble doing portioning.

    Something I recently discovered is taking a half cup of cottage cheese and tossing it in the blender with 3 eggs. It's a great start for a nice, fluffy omelet and adds about 12g of protein.

  8. Ashen One Unkindled One Chosen Undead
    Ashen One Unkindled One Chosen Undead says:

    High protein is extremely damaging to the kidneys. It is highly acidic and will stagnate the bodies lymphatic system. Mothers milk is only 1% protein. I am a bodybuilder and I fell for the lies. The high protein damaged my body so severely that I developed psoriasis. I removed all animal protein from my diet and transitioned to 100% raw fruit 4 years ago. I am psoriasis free and my hair grew back which was just amazing

  9. Kelly Beard
    Kelly Beard says:

    4 eggs scrambled, a can of water-packed tuna: more protein than most people can stomach in one sitting, but I’ll have a protein shake on top of that – with Greek yogurt to thicken it up a bit.

  10. JJ Schutte
    JJ Schutte says:

    Autumn, please be mindful of the "You're doing it wrong" titles. I've seen them a lot and it can be shame-inducing and discouraging. Everyone is doing their best and your program is a concerted effort. It's not fair to assume anyone is doing anything wrong, but may be helpful to suggest you have some tips on optimizing protein consumption (for instance). Your content is great, but I would appreciate the mindfulness of how challenging a wellness journey can be and that a lot of people find encouragement or "level up" tips a lot more invigorating and positively influential than defeating messages of wrongdoing.

  11. Angela Broom
    Angela Broom says:

    Why do you think we're "doing it all wrong?" how do you know what I eat? What's right for you is NOT what s right for me…. I know what's right for me. You enjoy your meals and I'll enjoy mine


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