Pringles flavoured Ramen vs Ramen flavoured Pringles

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We try some of the weirdest crisps Japan has to offer, and find out what is better: Pringles flavoured Ramen or Ramen flavoured Pringles!?! Hit join and become …

50 replies
  1. GedenWilbur
    GedenWilbur says:

    This is the very first time I've ever seen someone put in the flavor after draining the water and nobody is commenting on it…. is…. Is this a normal thing? My world view has just been shattered.

  2. Hani
    Hani says:

    someone please send them chitato flavoured indomie and indomie flavoured chitato. it's the Indonesia version of this and its SUUPER GOOD. wait, i think they've had the indomie chips but send them anyway to compare 😆

  3. Swedish Chef
    Swedish Chef says:

    Well.. after LIVING on packaged noodles for some years of my early adulthood… first boil water – then add spice bag and oil… then ADD noodles and keep stiring while cooking…
    Delicious??? Not really… but… quick meal for not-so-much money 😉

  4. Moto Rola99
    Moto Rola99 says:

    Its weird how ramen is a Japanese take on the Chinese Lāmiān and we say ramen because it is coined, that was the first asian soup noodles introduced to the west as "ramen" but the Koreans who had it much longer than the Japanese have to rediscover it themself as Ramyeon because the Japanese influence & invention of instant ramen. Thus Ramen in korea cognates & synonymous to a border of instant ramen dish traditionally cooked in shallow pot or earthenware with sides of meat, vegetable or seafood. But that's how culture works i guess..


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