Potatoes – Are Regular Potatoes Healthy?

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Dr. Klaper offers nutrition tips on the health benefits of potatoes and potatoes nutrition as part of your plant based diet. Overall, the white starchy potatoes are …

29 replies
  1. K Laurvick
    K Laurvick says:

    I ate only potatoes for 18 weeks. 10 yrs ago, I was diagnosed as pre-diabetic with FBS (fasting blood sugar) at 127. I worked hard through diet to bring it down but could not get it below 100. Two weeks after starting Andrew Taylor's Spudfit Challenge, my FBS was 93. Two weeks later (1 month only potatoes), my FBS was 80. I tested it again about week 16 and it was 83. Eating only potatoes. I also lost 16#. Without trying. Without limiting or counting calories or restriction.

  2. Julot
    Julot says:

    Glycemic load is what mattters for 100gr of food not glycemic index, if you use this old outdated glycemic index then you have to admit watermelon are unhealthy which make absolutely non sense because they are extremely high in water, oil/butter free cooked potatoes are fine in most cases.

  3. Tosca
    Tosca says:

    I've lost weight eating white potatoes. The trick is not to restrict but not put high calorie healthy or unhealthy toppings on the potatoes. You need to balance your meals and satiety from healthy carbs is part of good health. Ask Dr John McDougall who wrote The Starch Solution. I reckon that and many others like him in the vegan field know their veges and are a better source of info than this old fashioned advice. Jmo

  4. Jojo Wasa
    Jojo Wasa says:

    Doctor Klaper obviously doesn't live in or know much about Germany. Here sweet potatoes are more than double the price of white potatoes, whether we're talking about the regular or offer price. Sweet potatoes are usually from the USA, occasionally Portugal, and normally cost more than €2 per kilo, on offer maybe between €1.49 and €1.99. The normal price for run of the mill white potatoes is under €1, when on offer they can be as low as 39 cents.

  5. VeganChiefWarrior
    VeganChiefWarrior says:

    POTATOS MAKE YOU FAT!? Klaper… klaper… come on… you are talking SMACK!!!!!!!!! what the ffffff lol if u dont fix up im unsubbing cause thats insanity and i dont need fear mongering insanity in my life

  6. JM Sharks
    JM Sharks says:

    How disappointing that Dr. Klaper has fallen into the hype—once or twice a month. How ridiculous. Whole civilizations have survived and thrived on the white potato. I have unsubscribed because of this grave misinformation. Hasn't he been following the vast research and evidence presented by Dr. Mcdougall to dispel the myths about the humble spud? Isn't he aware that the potato is being used as the fastest way to lose weight? I have followed your career, but this is outrageous and out of tune with the science. I have taught nutrition and plant based eating for 30 years at the university leveI and have always held you in high esteem, but the damage that you are doing to the plant based eating world is incalculable

  7. Antonio Zavala
    Antonio Zavala says:

    Lol…. Wow. Is this April's fools?
    I eat potatoes every day!!!!
    Your wrong Klapper. No biggie. All human. Fix yourself though, because people look up to you and need your advice.
    Might wanna pull down this video.
    And give John McDougall a call, he'll straighten you up. Lol..

  8. Joan Owens
    Joan Owens says:

    My guess is that Dr. Klaper has not experienced the benefits of the white potato himself. Most likely because he has been lean and healthy for most of his adult life. Those of us who have experienced life saving benefits of the humble white potato, know that Dr. Klaper is wrong on this one.

  9. Joan Owens
    Joan Owens says:

    Bummed out about this answer, Dr. Klaper!! I was on and off a whole foods plant based diet for 8 years eight years because I was limiting white potatoes. As soon as I added them in (on a DAILY basis) I was able to lose weight, manage weight, never go hungry, always felt satiated, and have crazy good energy. For the first time I feel like I know how to eat for the rest of my life without dieting. I adore Dr. Klaper; but my experience (I'm 73 years old) tells me that he's wrong on this one. I'm a McDougall loyalist now.

  10. Relax Good
    Relax Good says:

    My wife and I have been 100% Plant Based for 7 years. A few years ago I looked at the nutritional profile of white potatoes and was shocked at the amount and level of vitamins and minerals that they have. We now eat potatoes once or twice a week with no limitations but not fried. The potato is not the problem it’s what else you are eating with it. Potatoes are a staple food in Ikaria Greece where the longest lived people in the world live.

  11. Miss Juicy
    Miss Juicy says:

    Actually? … I can eat about 2 or 3 white potatoes, then I'm satisfied. However, sweet potatoes? … Um no. I can eat and eat and eat until I get sick. Sweet potatoes are waaay too tasty to me.


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