POTATO RESET DAY 1 | Down 60 Pounds

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Hi, I’m Ami, and I have lost 60 pounds following the principles of the Starch Solution & Calorie Density! I am doing a 2 week …

34 replies
  1. akroney
    akroney says:

    I'm doing the potato reset with you. So excited! I wanted a pumpkin spice steamer but substituted orange, sweet potato for the pumpkin. Added ginger cloves, nutmeg, cinnamon and vanilla to plant milk. So yummy. Thought you might be interested in trying it too. I wish I could add a picture of it for everyone.

  2. Tracy Cote
    Tracy Cote says:

    Thank you for all of your tips, guidance and enthusiasm! I am in the beginning stages of releasing weight and regaining health and your daily videos are truly a driving force for me. I am looking forward to doing the potato reset alongside of you and so many others!

  3. * WFPB Princess
    * WFPB Princess says:

    Romi and Abe are so adorable. I have to say when Romi first showed up, I don’t think I heard a word of what you said for a few minutes. 😂 All of my attention was on that little cutie of yours.

  4. Paul Timson
    Paul Timson says:

    my dad would have loved this woman… he loved potatoes.
    i like yellow potatoes, the waxy type. the white ones, not so much. it's hard to get good ones.
    you need to know the names of good varieties. Charlotte?
    a lot of bad potato varieties in supermarkets.
    i avoid carrots. IBS.
    try adding garlic paste to the boiling water.
    cut up red onions, put in jar of vinegar. less inflammatory than white onions.
    my cauliflower soup? i used cod and butter sauce sachets with cauliflower-brooccoli – i don't liquidize it.
    not a fan of sweet potatoes. prefer turnip. it has silica. which is needed.. but i get mine from oats.

  5. ashley.ann
    ashley.ann says:

    Oh, ya know, I’m noticing you eat about 1.5-2 lbs of food when you eat… and that’s actually pretty similar to me. I am also a volume eater. For some reason it looks larger than it is sometimes. But seeing those potatoes makes a difference. Idk. Sizes are deceiving on camera

  6. Julie Chaffe
    Julie Chaffe says:

    Yay, looking forward to both the potato reset and especially the Facebook group, will be lovely to interact with other like minded people. Love potatoes, my favourite starchy food. ❤

  7. Diana E Ritter
    Diana E Ritter says:

    I have loved potatoes for so many years, some days eating pounds in addition to other healthy foods and I have never gained a pound. For those in the states, Hawaiian sweet potatoes are so amazing and can be ordered online, free delivery, and if you pick the "ugly" ones, so much cheaper. I don't think they deliver internationally 😪

  8. Jill Ponce
    Jill Ponce says:

    How on earth will you be able to tackle a FaceBook group on top of everything that you do? I love those Japanese sweet potatoes as well as the purple potatoes and Hannah Yams.

  9. Alt-Vegan
    Alt-Vegan says:

    Hey Ami,
    Love your videos and watch them everyday.
    Are you still doing the q&a you mentioned the other day?
    Looking forward to the potato reset meal plan 😁 x


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