Plant-Based Purple Oats with Polly!

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28 replies
  1. Cathy M
    Cathy M says:

    I like to make my steel cut oats for the week in my pressure cooker. I take mine to work in a mug with chopped walnuts and dates. I have frozen cherries and blueberries (fresh picked from my orchard earlier this year) so I will definitely try this! 😁

  2. michaelscoots
    michaelscoots says:

    I’ve been making whole grain oats (groats) for almost a decade. To me the flavor and texture exceeds all other types. Plus, they’re less processed- you can take a grain and grow, put it in soil and it will sprout. Try them with your favorite fixings – you won’t be disappointed.

  3. R. R.
    R. R. says:

    Ladies this is amazing, I literally have almost the same recipe that I eat everyday for breakfast. Everyday after I drink a glass of lemon water. This is my recipe~ oats, cooked with water, frozen blueberries and frozen cherries= purple oats, added a small banana cut up, chia seeds/flax, cinnamon, ground ginger, with a few sprinkles of walnuts! Sometimes just a dash of maple syrup if I'm feeling a little more sweet. But that's it, my everyday go to purple oats! Funny how minds can think alike.😊 Enjoy

  4. kokoro nagomu
    kokoro nagomu says:

    i prefer veggies and curry spices in my savory oatmeal instead of the sweet, though my husband will probably like it. i think i have most of the ingredients, i've got currents and dates too so i'll experiment with what he likes best.

    cassia, the the stuff that they sell as cinnamon in stores has a compound (coumarin) that is detrimental to a person like me who has liver problems so i avoid the stuff.

  5. Kevin Monceaux
    Kevin Monceaux says:

    What timing!! I just recently came over to the steel cut oats side. I was on vacation last week, and thought I had more rolled oats in stock then I actually had. I ran out of rolled oats before I ran out of vacation. Fortunately I had some steel cut oats in stock, though I had only tried cooking them once or twice before with less than ideal results. I discovered the overnight method, and have been eating them ever since. I brought steel cut oats and water to a boil, cover and removed from heat, and left them overnight. The next morning I had slightly soupy oats with a little tooth left to them, just the way I like them. This week returning to work I discovered if I start a batch of oats as soon as I get home from work, they're ready to portion up just before I go to bed. This video has given me some ideas on some variations to try. There was a time when I would have never believed running out of oats would be cause for concern.

  6. Peter Bassel
    Peter Bassel says:

    Yet another great video! Well done & Thanks. I get the colour differently. I cook oat, barley, rye groats/berries with some forbidden (black) rice in the instant pot for 24 minutes and the grainy porridge come out with a purple colour. Even if the groats/berries are soft this is still a very chewy porridge which makes it all the more interesting to eat. Adding berries is also a great add-in. Enjoy.

  7. Char Covelesky
    Char Covelesky says:

    I'm a weirdo and dislike sweets breakfast, so my oats are almost always savory and sometimes purple too! I cook up a big batch of oat groats porridge in the Instant pot using veggie broth and add lentils, grated red cabbage and beets, onions, grated carrot, cauli-rice, spinach, whatever, and sprinkle on nutritional yeast when it's done. Sounds strange but I love it!


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