PLANT-BASED BUCKWHEAT CINNAMON RAISIN BREAD 🍞 Breakfast just got a whole lot better!

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One of my favorite things to eat with breakfast is a piece of Plant-Based Buckwheat Cinnamon Raisin Bread toasted with a slather …

31 replies
  1. David's Allotment
    David's Allotment says:

    Another fantastic bread recipe made from buckwheat Jill. Even though I don't need to be gluten free it's still good to try this recipe for variety in my diet because eating wheat bread can get boring. Love 🥰 the video and love 💕 Jill.

  2. Fiona Marshall
    Fiona Marshall says:

    Love your recipes! Recently we've had your Leek and potato quiche, chocolate oat bars, magic cookies and black bean burgers! Thank you for expanding our whole food meal ideas. x

  3. laura Beth
    laura Beth says:

    Lovely recipe. I might ad a swirl of cashew cream sweetened with dates or maple syrup through it and on top. Maybe add 1/2 batter, pour on lines of cream and use butter knife to infuse into the bottom layer of batter and do same after pouring on the rest.

  4. MOODY
    MOODY says:

    Do you have any suggestions on if using a glass loaf pan, what to do so the bread doesn't stick to it when taking it out of the pan? I don't have a silicon. I also have dried currants, would that work to instead of raisins?

  5. Kendra Banta
    Kendra Banta says:

    I’ve been watching your videos for about a week now and am addicted. I decided take a break and go watch the Better Life Summits- The Truth About Weight Loss as I purchased it and haven’t watched any of it yet. Well, what would you know……Day one and it’s you and your husband!! I was so happy to see your session and loved the demonstration at the end. The second I saw it was you both, I went to Amazon and bought your cookbook that I had in my cart. I’ll get it tomorrow and am so looking forward to seeing the recipes. I quit eating meat years ago but have still had eggs and cheese at times. I’m ready to give those up now thanks to your recipes. Thank you for what you do!!

  6. Steve JM
    Steve JM says:

    Hi Jill, just discovered your channel after your lentil bread video appeared as a thumbnail when searching for gluten free vegan bread. I have since made this bread and I love it. So thank you very much. The only trouble I had was that my flatbread kept sticking to my non stick pan. Now since searching for a replacement pan on amazon and reading reviews I have discovered that there is no such thing as a non stick pan as they all lose their non stick capability over time. Have you found this to be true?

  7. Angie Allen
    Angie Allen says:

    Great recipe; thanks! I will look into buckwheat; I have not been using it. One way to get the swirl into the body of the bread is to put half the batter in the pan, add and swirl some topping, then add the other half of the batter and add topping and swirl again. Looks delish! BTW, can I buy whole buckwheat and grind in my home grinder? Thanks!

  8. Kissimee Coquette
    Kissimee Coquette says:

    This looks beautiful and I’ll try it today! What do think about taking the cinnamon mixture and putting it on only half the bread mixture, swirling it, and then gently spread remaining bread mixture over top?

  9. becky97462
    becky97462 says:

    I wonder if you put half the batter in the pan, add a line of cinnamon "paste" and swirl it in… then add the rest of the batter and paste and swirl the top half?!?

  10. G A
    G A says:

    …just can't get enough of your absolutely wonderful vids….just an interesting observation….when I Google, it cones up that buckwheat is not a grain, but a seed… God Bless… 🙂

  11. pilgrim57
    pilgrim57 says:

    Off to the store to pick up some buckwheat flour – and I think I'll try and add some of the cinnamon mixture to the middle of the loaf, pour in the rest of the buckwheat batter, then top with the remaining cinnamon mixture and then do my swirly on the top.

  12. Angie Bs House
    Angie Bs House says:

    Here's an idea to try when adding the cinnamon…put half the bread batter in, put half the cinnamon in, put the rest of the bread batter in, then top with the remaining cinnamon. Swirling after that should help it swirl better.


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